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Court bid to prevent Spurs leasing rewilded London golf course fails
A football academy will be built on the site and campaigners say high court decision threatens other public parks
I'd like to hear more from the club about how they intend to redress the biodiversity loss they will inevitably cause at this site and in the middle of London too.
I'd like to think they won't just buy some part of a rain forest somewhere in an obscure part of the world as an "offset"... Because that's actual bullshit.*
We did a fantastic job of reusing and repurposing land and materials out of the Lane development and I hope that they could come to some other arrangement on this because we can't keep loosing spaces like this, regardless of who is building.
The fact that Spurs declined to comment speaks volumes.
*Edit- it's not actual bullshit is fucking hugely important but it's fucking corrupt as fuck and you often find huge corps use this as a way of getting a green tick from investors etc... and the same piece of land will often be sold multiple times under different schemes... Or sometimes not exist at all...!
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