The Voice Of Reason
Founding Member
I'm bored with Brexit, everybody with an IQ higher than 12 knows it's a con and it's pointless talking to facists so let's have a bash at other countries.
I'll start with Brunei, a good pal of the UK, we sell them loads of weapons so they're good guys like our other best buddies the Saudis.
In a four-page letter to MEPs, the kingdom’s mission to the EU called for “tolerance, respect and understanding” with regard to the country’s desire to preserve its traditional values and “family lineage”.
What a laugh eh? These medieval tyrants want 'tolerance, respect and understanding' for executing folks for the sexuality they were born with, tolerance for their whipping people who don't dress in the 'correct' clothes for their gender and amputation for thieves. I expect the EU will send a strong letter to the sultan - Hassanal Bolkiah,who is one of the world’s richest leaders with a personal wealth of about $20bn (£15bn),thanking him for his investments and letting him know that the EU and the UK will of course respect his country's traditions.
Brunei can fuck off, along with Saudi, Dubai, Qatar and all those other places people with zero principles or moral values like to have nice holidays in to or sell guns to, Everybody can make a difference, don't go there, write to your MP, your MEP (chose the one you like) - of course you Brexitards won't have a clue who your MP or MEPs are so you can just ignore politics while gobbing off about democracy - which you don't get either. Whoops, I went a bit Brexitty, sorry, force of habit.
I'll start with Brunei, a good pal of the UK, we sell them loads of weapons so they're good guys like our other best buddies the Saudis.
In a four-page letter to MEPs, the kingdom’s mission to the EU called for “tolerance, respect and understanding” with regard to the country’s desire to preserve its traditional values and “family lineage”.
What a laugh eh? These medieval tyrants want 'tolerance, respect and understanding' for executing folks for the sexuality they were born with, tolerance for their whipping people who don't dress in the 'correct' clothes for their gender and amputation for thieves. I expect the EU will send a strong letter to the sultan - Hassanal Bolkiah,who is one of the world’s richest leaders with a personal wealth of about $20bn (£15bn),thanking him for his investments and letting him know that the EU and the UK will of course respect his country's traditions.
Brunei can fuck off, along with Saudi, Dubai, Qatar and all those other places people with zero principles or moral values like to have nice holidays in to or sell guns to, Everybody can make a difference, don't go there, write to your MP, your MEP (chose the one you like) - of course you Brexitards won't have a clue who your MP or MEPs are so you can just ignore politics while gobbing off about democracy - which you don't get either. Whoops, I went a bit Brexitty, sorry, force of habit.