The bad spelling one would get worn out, as would a bad grammar doofus if it existed. I agree with
@skiathospurs that icons can lead to laziness, why bother telling a chap why you thought his post was good if you can just press the lazy-arsed bastard tit? The optimistic and informative icons become a way of taking the piss and annoying people in the other place, they got really annoying, especially when that cunt from the nether regions started using them to show what a clever bollox he was.
We don't have to use the icons I suppose and I don't really care if anyone likes or dislikes my posts, agrees or disagrees, thinks they are informative, badly spelled or I should of done my grammar proper. I am also not arsed about keeping score (mine of other folks),so I can ignore them and if anybody gets umpty that I am not 'liking' their posts, well they can press the 'I Hate Dorset ' icon and I will press my virtual 'I don't give a fuck' icon, sorted!
I might be old fashioned, but like my forums like I like my women, intelligent, full of interesting content and with a nice pair of thrupnies. The third option was a joke, just in case any lady type members of the female persuasion ever join and start poking the 'I hate That Old Cunt' icon! Twitter is a great place for moronic, icon pressing and one liners, as is the other place.