The Voice Of Reason
Founding Member
Ha fucking ha. The world goes into crisis mode because the appalling pile of poo Twitter got hacked. Of course it did Everything that is hackable will be hacked eventually. Folks that give their personal details like date of birth, address and even copies of passports, driving licences, ID cards etc. to any commercial company on the internet have to realise that one day somebody will get those details. It's impossible to live in the modern world without some risk of crooks getting hold of your credit card information, but using propaganda platforms like Twitter and Facebook leave you wide open to identity fraud and thats very, very bad. You can cancel a credit card and usually get the money back if you had taken sensible precautions, but when someone steals your identity that can fuck up your life.
Twitter and Arsebook are not a problem as long as people are just posting the inane bollocks about their daily lives, as long as they hide their real identity from the trolls, When politicians and corporate titans use Twitter to talk to the plebs, then thats when the shit hits the fan. Imagine if someone with a brain cell and a double digit IQ hacked into Trump's Twitter account and posted something that's not mental? The retard Trump supporters heads would explode.
There is an easy solution to making Facebook and Twitter safe - turn the fuckers off, wipe them from the Internet. Or, as that won't happen don't believe a fucking word you read on the web, except what I say of course, because I always tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing like the truth.
Twitter and Arsebook are not a problem as long as people are just posting the inane bollocks about their daily lives, as long as they hide their real identity from the trolls, When politicians and corporate titans use Twitter to talk to the plebs, then thats when the shit hits the fan. Imagine if someone with a brain cell and a double digit IQ hacked into Trump's Twitter account and posted something that's not mental? The retard Trump supporters heads would explode.
There is an easy solution to making Facebook and Twitter safe - turn the fuckers off, wipe them from the Internet. Or, as that won't happen don't believe a fucking word you read on the web, except what I say of course, because I always tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing like the truth.