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Political - NOT Brexit / Trump this time



The Voice Of Reason
Founding Member
That Brexit is s fuck up and that Trump is a cunt eh? Sorry I couldn't resist that in a political thread.

The Budget:

The lying, stealing, bastrad Tories have broken their manifesto pledges by increasing tax on the self employed. They said quite clearly "“we will not raise VAT, National Insurance contributions or Income Tax” and "we can commit to no increases in VAT, Income Tax or National Insurance. Tax rises on working people would harm our economy, reduce living standards and cost jobs”.

Cunts. That bastard chancellor said the self employed had unfair advantages - oh yeah, like NO sick pay, NO holiday pay, NO fucking maternity/paternity/bereavement pay, NO fucking bank holidays off, NO employers to pay into pension funds, NO job security, NO Trade Union representation, NO company paying for offices, rent, heating, electricity, comfy chairs, tools, computers, NO staff canteen, NO minimum wage (I'd like that some months) - it's all gravy Hammond you cunt, we just rake in loads of cash and don't pay any tax or National Insurance.

Fuck it, I'm going to jack it all in and start claiming benefits.


Well-Known Member
Founding Member
That Brexit is s fuck up and that Trump is a cunt eh? Sorry I couldn't resist that in a political thread.

The Budget:

The lying, stealing, bastrad Tories have broken their manifesto pledges by increasing tax on the self employed. They said quite clearly "“we will not raise VAT, National Insurance contributions or Income Tax” and "we can commit to no increases in VAT, Income Tax or National Insurance. Tax rises on working people would harm our economy, reduce living standards and cost jobs”.

Cunts. That bastard chancellor said the self employed had unfair advantages - oh yeah, like NO sick pay, NO holiday pay, NO fucking maternity/paternity/bereavement pay, NO fucking bank holidays off, NO employers to pay into pension funds, NO job security, NO Trade Union representation, NO company paying for offices, rent, heating, electricity, comfy chairs, tools, computers, NO staff canteen, NO minimum wage (I'd like that some months) - it's all gravy Hammond you cunt, we just rake in loads of cash and don't pay any tax or National Insurance.

Fuck it, I'm going to jack it all in and start claiming benefits.
It's fucked me off too mate. Had a chat with a mate who is employed by a company today and he said that it's not fair I pay less NI than him, but he didn't have a thing to say when I asked how much he got paid for the couple of months the fucker took off when he had a kid last year. He hadn't actually thought about the fact that I'm not getting paid to sit at home and enjoy the first weeks of my child's life like he did when he ahd a kid. I then raised the point of sick pay, and holiday pay and the cunt went silent. There isn't really much incentive for people to go self employed at the moment other than not having a boss to answer too.


Well-Known Member
Founding Member
We all know what they do. They lie through their teeth to get the vote knowing full well they'll have to renege on their pledges because what they are promising is just not feasible. It'll never be any different because we will never get any party honest enough to say it how it is and take a chance that we might all say "fair enough, we understand you have to do it that way for the greater good" because actually we are all to blame. We don't want it right 5 or 10 years down the line, we want it right now and unfortunately that's just not going to happen.
And yes, I'm pissed off about the N.I. too, but I'll just stick in a few extra hours to cover it and won't declare it. They can't beat me whatever they do.


The Voice Of Reason
Founding Member
We all know what they do. They lie through their teeth to get the vote knowing full well they'll have to renege on their pledges because what they are promising is just not feasible. It'll never be any different because we will never get any party honest enough to say it how it is and take a chance that we might all say "fair enough, we understand you have to do it that way for the greater good" because actually we are all to blame. We don't want it right 5 or 10 years down the line, we want it right now and unfortunately that's just not going to happen.
And yes, I'm pissed off about the N.I. too, but I'll just stick in a few extra hours to cover it and won't declare it. They can't beat me whatever they do.
Yes mate, it's the lying that really annoys me. They made a written pledge that they would not raise taxes. Now that unelected woman who wants to be seen as a great world leader by inviting that fucking facist to meet the queen says thay they only meant tax would not be raised for employed people. If that was true, which it isn't, then they should have said that. That fucking woman says the shift towards self-employment is eroding the tax base, bollocks. The increasing costs of employing people means that there is no fucking choice. I would never employ staff because I would have to pay holiday pay, sick pay, half their national insurance, maternity pay, minimum wage, pension contributions etc., etc - even if I wasn't actually making any money. Then I would not be able to sack the fuckers if they fucked me over, been there, done that, never again. So, these people who can't get cosy, secure jobs, chose self-employment rather than sponge off the state.

Lying fucked over Clegg and the Lib Dems, his pledge on education fees and susequent u-turn killed his party and his career. We only have this fucking useless woman because of the Brexit abortion, it's the gift that keeps on hurting.

Instead of punishing people who want to work, they should be going after the big corporations like Amazon, Google, Starbucks, Apple and other foreign thieving bastards who are paying fuck all on their huge profits. They all use loopholes to avoid tax, the government need to grow a pair and take on the septics, close the fucking holes, close them now.

While I am ranting. 70 fucking billion pounds for a fucking railway line from London to Birmingham? What the fuck? Only rich bastard executives will be able to afford the fares and the nonsense that it will earn the country 12 billion a year is as big a pile of horseshit as Johnson's lies about our EU contributions.

Rant over, for now. I need a nice win against Milwall to lower my blood pressure, that would be lovely, add a Lincoln win and maybe the voices would stop telling me to do the bad things.


Well-Known Member
Founding Member
Yes mate, it's the lying that really annoys me. They made a written pledge that they would not raise taxes. Now that unelected woman who wants to be seen as a great world leader by inviting that fucking facist to meet the queen says thay they only meant tax would not be raised for employed people. If that was true, which it isn't, then they should have said that. That fucking woman says the shift towards self-employment is eroding the tax base, bollocks. The increasing costs of employing people means that there is no fucking choice. I would never employ staff because I would have to pay holiday pay, sick pay, half their national insurance, maternity pay, minimum wage, pension contributions etc., etc - even if I wasn't actually making any money. Then I would not be able to sack the fuckers if they fucked me over, been there, done that, never again. So, these people who can't get cosy, secure jobs, chose self-employment rather than sponge off the state.

Lying fucked over Clegg and the Lib Dems, his pledge on education fees and susequent u-turn killed his party and his career. We only have this fucking useless woman because of the Brexit abortion, it's the gift that keeps on hurting.

Instead of punishing people who want to work, they should be going after the big corporations like Amazon, Google, Starbucks, Apple and other foreign thieving bastards who are paying fuck all on their huge profits. They all use loopholes to avoid tax, the government need to grow a pair and take on the septics, close the fucking holes, close them now.

While I am ranting. 70 fucking billion pounds for a fucking railway line from London to Birmingham? What the fuck? Only rich bastard executives will be able to afford the fares and the nonsense that it will earn the country 12 billion a year is as big a pile of horseshit as Johnson's lies about our EU contributions.

Rant over, for now. I need a nice win against Milwall to lower my blood pressure, that would be lovely, add a Lincoln win and maybe the voices would stop telling me to do the bad things.
Them same voices are talking to me ...#scrappydo


Well-Known Member
Founding Member
Yes mate, it's the lying that really annoys me. They made a written pledge that they would not raise taxes. Now that unelected woman who wants to be seen as a great world leader by inviting that fucking facist to meet the queen says thay they only meant tax would not be raised for employed people. If that was true, which it isn't, then they should have said that. That fucking woman says the shift towards self-employment is eroding the tax base, bollocks. The increasing costs of employing people means that there is no fucking choice. I would never employ staff because I would have to pay holiday pay, sick pay, half their national insurance, maternity pay, minimum wage, pension contributions etc., etc - even if I wasn't actually making any money. Then I would not be able to sack the fuckers if they fucked me over, been there, done that, never again. So, these people who can't get cosy, secure jobs, chose self-employment rather than sponge off the state.

Lying fucked over Clegg and the Lib Dems, his pledge on education fees and susequent u-turn killed his party and his career. We only have this fucking useless woman because of the Brexit abortion, it's the gift that keeps on hurting.

Instead of punishing people who want to work, they should be going after the big corporations like Amazon, Google, Starbucks, Apple and other foreign thieving bastards who are paying fuck all on their huge profits. They all use loopholes to avoid tax, the government need to grow a pair and take on the septics, close the fucking holes, close them now.

While I am ranting. 70 fucking billion pounds for a fucking railway line from London to Birmingham? What the fuck? Only rich bastard executives will be able to afford the fares and the nonsense that it will earn the country 12 billion a year is as big a pile of horseshit as Johnson's lies about our EU contributions.

Rant over, for now. I need a nice win against Milwall to lower my blood pressure, that would be lovely, add a Lincoln win and maybe the voices would stop telling me to do the bad things.
Vive la revolution


Well-Known Member
Founding Member
move to greece,whats this tax you speak of???


Well-Known Member
Founding Member
Putting my devils advocate hat on.

A majority of self employed people claim tax relief for things that are not related to their business. Claiming for clothes, a room in the house, trips abroad, their partner as a secretary etc.....

I know, because I have been self-employed. I have managed to earn a £30k salary, and pay a lower amount of tax than say a corporate employee....

I know you cannot get SSP, but there is ESA available for self employed people out of work


The Voice Of Reason
Founding Member
Putting my devils advocate hat on.

A majority of self employed people claim tax relief for things that are not related to their business. Claiming for clothes, a room in the house, trips abroad, their partner as a secretary etc.....

I know, because I have been self-employed. I have managed to earn a £30k salary, and pay a lower amount of tax than say a corporate employee....

I know you cannot get SSP, but there is ESA available for self employed people out of work
You can poke that devil's advocate hat up your arse mate. When you get the excise men coming round to audit your vat returns they check every fucking thing and if you get captured claiming business expenses that are not valid then you are royally fucked.

You know that the majority of self-employed people are crooks because you were, hmmmm. Bollocks.


Well-Known Member
Founding Member
Yes mate, it's the lying that really annoys me. They made a written pledge that they would not raise taxes. Now that unelected woman who wants to be seen as a great world leader by inviting that fucking facist to meet the queen says thay they only meant tax would not be raised for employed people. If that was true, which it isn't, then they should have said that. That fucking woman says the shift towards self-employment is eroding the tax base, bollocks. The increasing costs of employing people means that there is no fucking choice. I would never employ staff because I would have to pay holiday pay, sick pay, half their national insurance, maternity pay, minimum wage, pension contributions etc., etc - even if I wasn't actually making any money. Then I would not be able to sack the fuckers if they fucked me over, been there, done that, never again. So, these people who can't get cosy, secure jobs, chose self-employment rather than sponge off the state.

Lying fucked over Clegg and the Lib Dems, his pledge on education fees and susequent u-turn killed his party and his career. We only have this fucking useless woman because of the Brexit abortion, it's the gift that keeps on hurting.

Instead of punishing people who want to work, they should be going after the big corporations like Amazon, Google, Starbucks, Apple and other foreign thieving bastards who are paying fuck all on their huge profits. They all use loopholes to avoid tax, the government need to grow a pair and take on the septics, close the fucking holes, close them now.

While I am ranting. 70 fucking billion pounds for a fucking railway line from London to Birmingham? What the fuck? Only rich bastard executives will be able to afford the fares and the nonsense that it will earn the country 12 billion a year is as big a pile of horseshit as Johnson's lies about our EU contributions.

Rant over, for now. I need a nice win against Milwall to lower my blood pressure, that would be lovely, add a Lincoln win and maybe the voices would stop telling me to do the bad things.

Lower your blood pressure, I hope you didn't watch a Countdown yesterday, RR was in a figure hugging dress, I only watched it 4 times, over 3 hours with plenty of freeze frames


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Well-Known Member
Founding Member
I'm self employed and it's a Cunt can't take a day off because you simply don't get paid ,only status where you view bank holidays as fuck 4 day week