The Voice Of Reason
Founding Member
To help us all pass the time while we are waiting for the world to start again - which will be in just 2 weeks in the U S of A because Donny the Dildo says it's all gong to be over by Easter, yay!
I have devised some puzzles for you to have go at. If you are stuck I will post the answers later. Let's start off with my version of Sudoko. Mrs Dorset loves doing these puzzles, they do my nut right in! I have made my version a little bit easier, so most of us should be able to complete this in 20 minutes or less. Good luck!
I have devised some puzzles for you to have go at. If you are stuck I will post the answers later. Let's start off with my version of Sudoko. Mrs Dorset loves doing these puzzles, they do my nut right in! I have made my version a little bit easier, so most of us should be able to complete this in 20 minutes or less. Good luck!