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Shame about Liz...



Founding Member
Look I'm not a huge Royalist but I understand what She stood for and her place as the Queen of England and head of state.

Let's remember she was a Mum, and a Granny and a public servant who whether you agree with the monarchy or not dedicated her life to the job thrust upon her at a young age.

I understand what she stood for around the globe and the affection that was (rightly or wrongly) felt for her around the world.

Thank you for your service.
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Well-Known Member
Founding Member
Obviously I’m one of your rogue colonists whose ancestors broke away a couple centuries back to form Upper Mexico so, for what it’s worth:

I am sympathetic to people who criticize the system and empire in any form. But she always struck me as a decent human being at the end of the day, which is saying something for anyone in her position.


Lord High Chief of the Privvy
Founding Member
I'm about as far from being a royalist as you'll ever get but I do find the situation quite sad. It's going to be very weird having to adjust to all the changes that will have to come of this - the money, the passports e.t.c..

Even having "The King's Speech" on TV at Christmas.


The Voice Of Reason
Founding Member
Nope, No, Never, Not having that. What she stood for was her family and the aristocracy. She meddled in or influenced over 1,000 pieces of legislation to make sure her family would be exempt from taxes, human rights, workers rights etc. The land, art, treasures and money plundered by this family would pay off the national debt, provide decent living standards to millions, fix the NHS and give pensioners like me (in 2 months) a decent chunk of wedge if that loot was given back to the people. Fuck the 'royal' family, fuck all of them.

The idea of a family being chosen by god to be 'royal' is fucking ridiculous and disturbing in the 21st century. I'm sure Liz was a comparatively reasonable head of the crime family, some of them have been total fucking nutters, maybe the next one is? But when I hear people saying what a great job she did for the country I ask the same question I ask Brexiters - name one specific example of what [insert subject or person here] has done that has made your life better.

Now would be a very good time to ditch the whole concept of a royal family, the thought of Liz fucking Truss as PM and mad Charlie as head of state is like a fucking acid flashback.

A very old lady has died - that happens every day.


Lord High Chief of the Privvy
Founding Member
Potentially the next two league matches postponed as well. It’s already a hugely congested season with the World Cup dumped in the middle of it so this isn’t going to help.


Well-Known Member
All games canceled? Not to be rude, but she died of old age, she wasn't assassinated. Not sure why matches need to be canceled. You could do a whole nice memorial thing at the football. Would be lovely. Fixtures gonna be a mess. Bet Conte is pissed. I am sure Charles will be a hoot.


Well-Known Member
Founding Member
Surely people together, black armbands, national anthems and fucking football would be better than nothing….

feels like the decision has been made by work-shy people who fancy a few days off. Awful decision


Well-Known Member
Founding Member
Dumb that they're canceling this weekend IMO. Seeing speculation that next weekend may be off as well (as that's when the funeral will be according to protocol.) If so our next league fixture would be the NLD in fucking October.


Lord High Chief of the Privvy
Founding Member
I can see come January we're going to get a lot of players from a lot of clubs going down with fatigue-related injuries.


Well-Known Member
Founding Member
I can see come January we're going to get a lot of players from a lot of clubs going down with fatigue-related injuries.
Indeed. You could see managers rotating based on who’ll be in Qatar and who won’t. Because the flip side is that a lot of players will have nearly a month off.


Well-Known Member
Sad when 99.99% of people die. Sad she passed. Doesn't move the meter for me, though.

I understand pushing this weekend's games, but if they push the next, too...? C'mon, man...


Well-Known Member
Founding Member
I thought it silly to cancel , the footy fans in general are very patriotic and would have loved to have celebrated her life, yes you’d get the gobshites like LFC , SHAMROCK AND CELTIC who’d boo and sing derogatory songs about her . Like Trevor Sinclair has found out, vocal criticism so close to this ladies death is bang out of order , and I’m glad he’s lost his job .
when my kids were being made, we discussed what colour eyes and skin our kids would be, I was blue eyed blond in my youth , my wife after a holiday goes browner then Meghan is , and dark brown eyes , it’s not racist to discuss what colour eyes etc a kid will have, except to a person with an issue ,who has blanked out half her heritage


Well-Known Member
As unelected aristocrats demanding fealty go, I suppose she wasn't too bad, although I suspect there may be many people in commonwealth and other nations who could put me straight on that.

Whatever, she died. This is the time for Charles to show he's up with the kids and do the right thing, shut the whole thing down, give the palaces back to the people and go live quietly on one of the enormous chunks of land he claims to own.

And in the mean time put the sodding football back on and stay out of our business, you miserable whining royal apologists. Years of selfless service, my arse...


Well-Known Member
As unelected aristocrats demanding fealty go, I suppose she wasn't too bad, although I suspect there may be many people in commonwealth and other nations who could put me straight on that.

Whatever, she died. This is the time for Charles to show he's up with the kids and do the right thing, shut the whole thing down, give the palaces back to the people and go live quietly on one of the enormous chunks of land he claims to own.

And in the mean time put the sodding football back on and stay out of our business, you miserable whining royal apologists. Years of selfless service, my arse...

Would love to see you pitch the idea to him, the family, the media and all the numpties who (for some dumb reason) love the royal family.
The Cryptkeeper

The Cryptkeeper

The Aussie Yid
She's got a fan in N17. He could be talking shit for PR purposes, but he doesn't seem the type.

Never could understand why the English cared, let alone us colonials. But someone from the boot?

Perhaps if he spent more time managing and less time worrying about some woman he never knew then we wouldn't turn out performances like we did today.

Of course I am half-kidding but I am pissed off at what I saw against Sporting.


The Voice Of Reason
Founding Member
Some of the things I have read recently - There will be 5 mile queues to see the coffin of the billionaire lady, food banks will close out of respect for her, people are being arrested for holding up .'Not my king' signs, the net wealth of the family is somewhere near £60bn ( £60,000,000,000 ),the UK government stopped investigations into Prince Edward, despite the massive wealth - UK taxpayers paid the so-called royal family over £100m last year, Charlie and his wife's jolly to the Caribbean cost the taxpayer £226,000. The new bloke (not my king by the way, I don't need a fucking king ta very much) is exempt from paying the £148m tax due.

The joke democracy in the UK with its FPTP system and unelected upper chamber is made to look even more ridiculous by having a head of state chosen purely due to the fact that their ancestors stole more land and killed more people than yours did.

In the 21st century, monarchies are not needed. Time to take back all the wealth they have stolen from the people and this mass hysteria and bollocks about all the great things the queen did will end soon, I hope.


The Voice Of Reason
Founding Member
The queue to look at a box is now 14 hours! 8 of the Queen's grandchildren will 'stand vigil' by the coffin on Saturday night - for 15 fucking minutes! How the fuck is 15 minute's a vigil? The whole country has gone mental. I've been watching 'Becoming Elizabeth' a drama loosely base on Liz the First, all the royal nonsense, the bishops in their obscenely expensive robes, the unearned privileges of the aristocrats - it's exactly the fucking same nearly 500 years later.


Well-Known Member
Founding Member
The queue to look at a box is now 14 hours! 8 of the Queen's grandchildren will 'stand vigil' by the coffin on Saturday night - for 15 fucking minutes! How the fuck is 15 minute's a vigil? The whole country has gone mental. I've been watching 'Becoming Elizabeth' a drama loosely base on Liz the First, all the royal nonsense, the bishops in their obscenely expensive robes, the unearned privileges of the aristocrats - it's exactly the fucking same nearly 500 years later.
What mystifies me is that there are thousands of Americans, Canadians, etc in the queue. People who made a special trip there for it. I get that people want to be part of an event and all that. And like I said, as a Johnny Foreigner, not my place to judge or really care how English folks respond. I get that it's the end of an era for many, no matter how they feel about the monarchy.

But spending God knows what for planet tickets, hotels, etc to stand in line for 14 hours pissing down your own leg for another country's monarch is pathological behavior.* We have midterm elections coming up that (no exaggeration) may affect the future of the planet, and probably 1/3 of Americans will actually vote in them. But thousands are rearranging their lives on short notice to go to England for this.

Humans are a very strange species.

*Contrast this with a middle-aged American man who has devoted his entire adult life to supporting a football club in London, scheduling his family and professional life around their fixtures and allowing their successes and failures to dictate his mental state. This is totally normal.


The Voice Of Reason
Founding Member
What mystifies me is that there are thousands of Americans, Canadians, etc in the queue. People who made a special trip there for it. I get that people want to be part of an event and all that. And like I said, as a Johnny Foreigner, not my place to judge or really care how English folks respond. I get that it's the end of an era for many, no matter how they feel about the monarchy.

But spending God knows what for planet tickets, hotels, etc to stand in line for 14 hours pissing down your own leg for another country's monarch is pathological behavior.* We have midterm elections coming up that (no exaggeration) may affect the future of the planet, and probably 1/3 of Americans will actually vote in them. But thousands are rearranging their lives on short notice to go to England for this.

Humans are a very strange species.

*Contrast this with a middle-aged American man who has devoted his entire adult life to supporting a football club in London, scheduling his family and professional life around their fixtures and allowing their successes and failures to dictate his mental state. This is totally normal.
I think many of them do what they think other people will do, or what other people expect them to do and they want to be part of the herd. I don't know why your fellow Northern Mexican countrymen would want to make this 'pilgrimage', I suppose your herd is not really any different to our herd, a bit more mental maybe with all the freedom of speech, guns, religious insanity and capital R Republicans. Of course our herd will follow where your herd leads and I expect we will be just as fucking mental as you lot in a decade or two.

I'm definitely a republican but mine is with a small r. Both countries seem to have fucked up parodies of democracy where a bloke or raving, nutcase woman can gain control without a majority of the electorate voting for them. We have an even more fucked up so-called democracy where the head of state has been chosen by god and the upper house is full of political cronies, donors, bishops and raving nutcases - none of whom have been voted into their nice little earners.

I would never celebrate the Queen's death, she was a human bean, but I would never sing that fucking national anthem or stand up for it, I would never bow to any man or woman (unless they were pointing a gun at me of course). Might have something to do with my mongrel roots - lots of Irish in there, a bit of Welsh and as far as I know no English ancestors. Charlie is not my King, nobody is my king - who needs a fucking King?


Well-Known Member
Founding Member
I think many of them do what they think other people will do, or what other people expect them to do and they want to be part of the herd. I don't know why your fellow Northern Mexican countrymen would want to make this 'pilgrimage', I suppose your herd is not really any different to our herd, a bit more mental maybe with all the freedom of speech, guns, religious insanity and capital R Republicans. Of course our herd will follow where your herd leads and I expect we will be just as fucking mental as you lot in a decade or two.

I'm definitely a republican but mine is with a small r. Both countries seem to have fucked up parodies of democracy where a bloke or raving, nutcase woman can gain control without a majority of the electorate voting for them. We have an even more fucked up so-called democracy where the head of state has been chosen by god and the upper house is full of political cronies, donors, bishops and raving nutcases - none of whom have been voted into their nice little earners.

I would never celebrate the Queen's death, she was a human bean, but I would never sing that fucking national anthem or stand up for it, I would never bow to any man or woman (unless they were pointing a gun at me of course). Might have something to do with my mongrel roots - lots of Irish in there, a bit of Welsh and as far as I know no English ancestors. Charlie is not my King, nobody is my king - who needs a fucking King?
There is only one king, and long may His Majesty reign.


Well-Known Member
Founding Member
John Lewis's Ad Agency furiously rewriting the Christmas ad to be about 2 people that meet in #TheQueue and end up having Christmas together. To a slow piano version of 500 Miles by The Proclaimers.


Well-Known Member
*Contrast this with a middle-aged American man who has devoted his entire adult life to supporting a football club in London, scheduling his family and professional life around their fixtures and allowing their successes and failures to dictate his mental state. This is totally normal.
I hear you brother. Just now made the living room clear when I should be enjoying a rare Saturday without the kids, and with the missus.

We fucking better beat Leicester.