The Voice Of Reason
Founding Member
Lets' talk about Coronavirus, or to give it its correct name Covid 19, there are lots of corona viruses (or is it virri? Dunno.) - and apparently according to the internet they have been around longer than humans.
Obviously football is the most important victim of Covid 19, the only silver lining to this dark cloud is that the Dippers might be denied the Premier League title. That would be brilliant, they will really enjoy the feeling of victimisation, they love that innit?
Here on the Costa Del Dorset, the PM has just announced that the feds are going a bit medieval on our bottoms. Everything is now closed apart from businesses selling foodstuffs, pharmacies, tobacconists, suppliers of IT equipment, newsstands, hairdressers and dry cleaners. Bars, restaurants are shut, and we are only allowed to leave our homes to make journeys in order to travel to supermarkets, our jobs, pharmacies, banks, gas stations, and other such essential destinations. Plod and the army have been given powers to be jolly beastly to anybody wandering around without good reason. In the PM's statement there was nothing about being allowed to travel to hospitals and health centres but I think that will be allowed!
Obviously going to the hairdressers is 'essential' in Spain and the PM would not risk the ire of those elegant Spanish ladies by closing their salons. The thing that irks me is that you can walk your fucking dog, but it seems that walking yourself is not allowed. I might risk that one as walking round here is not like strolling up the Ramblas in Barcelona and if you see 4 people it would be a busy day, if you don't hear from me then start a 'Free the Dorset One' campaign please as I will have been nabbed by Plod!
I expect that more countries will follow and soon the whole world will be in some sort of 'lockdown'. You chaps in the UK are lucky as that fat windbag you call PM has showed you how to wash your hands, we have been left to try and work out how to do that ourselves.
My advice as a Trumpian expert is to not be a cunt if you get the sniffles and don't pass it on to other people, stay in bed and binge watch some TV. If your wife/mother or other carer gets the disease then be caring towards their needs and don't ring your assistance bell quite so often, plump up your own pillows if you are able and try and go a few minutes longer between request for food and drinks.
This virus fucker is going to change how we all live, but luckily I am a miserable sociopathic cunt who isn't at all keen on other people and Mrs Dosret says I have been self-isolating for decades - so the new restrictions won't change much in my life. If you are one of those cunts who enjoys social-interaction then fuciking stop it! It's you, you and your socially interacting crowd of germ carriers that are spreading this virus around!
Obviously football is the most important victim of Covid 19, the only silver lining to this dark cloud is that the Dippers might be denied the Premier League title. That would be brilliant, they will really enjoy the feeling of victimisation, they love that innit?
Here on the Costa Del Dorset, the PM has just announced that the feds are going a bit medieval on our bottoms. Everything is now closed apart from businesses selling foodstuffs, pharmacies, tobacconists, suppliers of IT equipment, newsstands, hairdressers and dry cleaners. Bars, restaurants are shut, and we are only allowed to leave our homes to make journeys in order to travel to supermarkets, our jobs, pharmacies, banks, gas stations, and other such essential destinations. Plod and the army have been given powers to be jolly beastly to anybody wandering around without good reason. In the PM's statement there was nothing about being allowed to travel to hospitals and health centres but I think that will be allowed!
Obviously going to the hairdressers is 'essential' in Spain and the PM would not risk the ire of those elegant Spanish ladies by closing their salons. The thing that irks me is that you can walk your fucking dog, but it seems that walking yourself is not allowed. I might risk that one as walking round here is not like strolling up the Ramblas in Barcelona and if you see 4 people it would be a busy day, if you don't hear from me then start a 'Free the Dorset One' campaign please as I will have been nabbed by Plod!
I expect that more countries will follow and soon the whole world will be in some sort of 'lockdown'. You chaps in the UK are lucky as that fat windbag you call PM has showed you how to wash your hands, we have been left to try and work out how to do that ourselves.
My advice as a Trumpian expert is to not be a cunt if you get the sniffles and don't pass it on to other people, stay in bed and binge watch some TV. If your wife/mother or other carer gets the disease then be caring towards their needs and don't ring your assistance bell quite so often, plump up your own pillows if you are able and try and go a few minutes longer between request for food and drinks.
This virus fucker is going to change how we all live, but luckily I am a miserable sociopathic cunt who isn't at all keen on other people and Mrs Dosret says I have been self-isolating for decades - so the new restrictions won't change much in my life. If you are one of those cunts who enjoys social-interaction then fuciking stop it! It's you, you and your socially interacting crowd of germ carriers that are spreading this virus around!