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Transfer whoppers thread.



Well-Known Member
Founding Member
Barcelona are interested in Tottenham and Argentina defender Juan Foyth, 22. (Mirror)
Style And Glory

Style And Glory

On My High Trojan Horse
Founding Member
Why ain't we interested in Juan Foyth....

I agree with you & @Dorset.
There's a lot of quality in that kid.
He's still such a confident player even though he hasn't been given many chances.

I feel he'd eve be a very good DM. He's aggressive, a good ball handler & good vision.
I mean, he was an attacking mid before being moved back so he's quite versatile.


The Voice Of Reason
Founding Member
Just been thinking..... it hurt. But maybe Juan ain't interested in us..... that hurts a diferent way.
Couldn't blame him really. Why wouldn't he be right umpty about working for a toerag like Levy and even more pissed off if the manager who he had planned on to help build his career was booted out and some celebrity has-been twat was appointed. I think we could be seeing a lot of players wanting out.


Well-Known Member
Founding Member


Well-Known Member
Founding Member
Has to the biggest whopper of all whoppers......doesnt it........

Had to screenshot it incase he deletes....



Having the craic!
Founding Member
Also, and I'm just mentioning it!!! Literally days after the World cup ended .when it was rumoured that we'd just signed two Argentinian world cup winners in 1978, alot laughed too....just sayin...


Well-Known Member
Don’t forget Messi’s mum is from Walthamstow...


The Voice Of Reason
Founding Member
Maybe he should deliver an ultimatum to Levy - 'Bring back my fellow countryman and I'll wear the chicken badge'. Double result!
Don Diaz

Don Diaz

Zero tolerance of Numpty's
Founding Member
Everyone is aware of the buyout clause (£648m) and Messi’s wages (500k a week) aren’t they...? And the fact our Chairman is Daniel Levy. I mean we’re talking about 1 player costing the same as a new Stadium FFS......


Well-Known Member
Founding Member
Everyone is aware of the buyout clause (£648m) and Messi’s wages (500k a week) aren’t they...? And the fact our Chairman is Daniel Levy. I mean we’re talking about 1 player costing the same as a new Stadium FFS......
amazon are going to deliver him ;)