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Uk politics...



Founding Member
Well this will undoubtedly end badly...

But fuck it.....!

So the caretaker has gone against her word (makes a change for a politician) and called for a general election.

She assumes that due to "the polls" showing her party as having a healthy lead she will win and therfore be validated as the true leader of the UK (what's left of it).

So I though as we're having a general erection we may as well spout our opinions about it all in one place.

Let me start...

The Labour manifesto has been leaked from within the party. And tbh what I have seen of it it's just about spot on. I would say that when they find the leak (unless it was done intentionally and they were simply trying to gauge public opinion, which is a great move imo) they should properly go 18th century on the fucker and stone the cunt for some form of treason... proper dick move that is...!!!

So Corbyn probably wouldn't be anyone's for 1st choice as a leader. He isn't sexy enough, he doesn't seem dynamic enough or someone we think would represent us internationally as a strong leader...

But let's weigh up the history of this man from my layman's perspective.

He wants to rid the uk and the world of capitalism... he has always had this vision and he has never wavered from it.

He wants necular disarmament... again this has been one of his main stays throughout his time in politics. He has softened and agreed there is currently a need for it within the uk by agreeing to the renewal of Trident, but will push for other options and world wide unilateral disarmament... may not be achievable before some loon uses one and reminds us why they are so fucking bad, but for me his morals on this one do seem sound.

He wants to support those with less by making those with more pay more.

He wants public services to work for the public and be owned by the country and be fit for purpose.

He wants the NHS and Schools properly funded.

I dont know all the Corbyn stuff (I'm not a fanboy) and I'm sure there will be negatives but on the face of it, it seems he wants the world to be a better place starting with the uk.

As for the "New Thatcher" She has flipfloped more times than Havaianas.

Brexit is Bad..... let's go hard brexit.

National insurance won't go up...... oh my bad yes it fucking will.

3000 refugee kids.... oops I meat 300.

And who wants another Thatcher anyway?


The Voice Of Reason
Founding Member
In the 1970s I would have definitely voted for Corbyn, but in the 1970s there would never have been a dilemma for a Labour party leader on trident, nope, no nukes, not ever, never was the policy. Sadly, I think Corbyn has done a U turn on his stance on nuclear weapons as an offering to those who say we need them. I ain't saying if it's right or it's wrong BUT Corbyn used to come across as an honest politician, now he is changing his mind to suit the 'populists' like they all do. He is a bit of a dick, but he used to be an honest dick.

The problems I see with Labour is their promises could fuck the country up the back door.

Some Bad Things:

Diane Abbot.

Minimum Wage: Yes of course it would be nice if the minimum wage was £10 per hour, but jobs will be lost when all the small businesses close down because they can't afford that and the big companies take on less folks.

Paternity Leave: Giving an extra month paid paternity leave - OK, so how will businesses fund that and cope with it logistically, having to train and find replacements for blokes who are going to take a few months off when their partners give birth?

Benefit cuts reversal: Personally I think they were generally a good thing. The so-called bedroom tax was not a tax it just reduced the housing benefits to people living in rent free houses with spare rooms - what the fuck is wrong with that? Limiting the amount that couples can claim has been capped at £440 per week in London and £385 per week outside London - do fucking what? Jeremy thinks that is 'unfair', that is taking the fucking piss, there are many couples working their tits off who don't earn that much. There are exemptions for disabled people and careers and special needs people so they can shut the fuck up. The benefits system is supposed to be a safety net, not a way of living nicely without contributing anything.

Diane Abbot.

Removing the VAT exemption on private school fees* This is very bad. Mrs D teaches in a private school and they are really struggling to keep going. 3 private schools locally have recently had to close down. Private schools reduce the burden on the state by providing the education the state would be obliged to and despite what Corbyn thinks they are not all minted like Harrow and Eton.

Diane fucking Abbot.​

Some Good Things:

Re-nationalisation: Rail, Energy and Royal Mail - yes, I agree, add in water as well, it is fucking obscene that any corporation can make money providing water, it's like Mr Burns blocking out the sun. The energy thing is mental, you can change suppliers, everyone is told to switch, but all you do is change who sends you the bill, it is people making money for doing fuck bleeding all.

Free school meals for all primary school children (OK that's good) , paid for by removing the VAT exemption on private school fees* (bad thing - see above).​

There are loads more issues, some that might interest you more than others, what do you think are the important ones?

The choices are grim, Labour, Conservative or Liberal Democrats - that is like saying do you want syphillis, gonorrhoea or herpes. But, everyone MUST VOTE, I don't care who you vote for, for fuck's sake don't tell me or I'll have to add you to my list. Do some research, ask the fucker who wants your vote what he or she is going to do then decide. To not vote is to spit on the graves of the people who died to get the illusion of democracy we live under, it is a shit system, unfair, but better than having a tyrant like that awful May woman in control with no opposition.
Don Diaz

Don Diaz

Zero tolerance of Numpty's
Founding Member
The choices are grim, Labour, Conservative or Liberal Democrats - that is like saying do you want syphillis, gonorrhoea or herpes. But, everyone MUST VOTE, I don't care who you vote for, for fuck's sake don't tell me or I'll have to add you to my list. Do some research, ask the fucker who wants your vote what he or she is going to do then decide. To not vote is to spit on the graves of the people who died to get the illusion of democracy we live under, it is a shit system, unfair, but better than having a tyrant like that awful May woman in control with no opposition.
Remember this man.........that really would have been a laugh and democracy at it's best!

Rev John Ripsher

Rev John Ripsher

Well-Known Member
The Labour manifesto contains mainly good things, I agree with most of it, the trouble is that they will have to borrow enough money to make it work and this will bankrupt the country like they almost did the last time.
"The trouble with Socialism is that it always runs out of other people's money"
Don Diaz

Don Diaz

Zero tolerance of Numpty's
Founding Member
This thread has 'Toxic' written all over it.......??


The Voice Of Reason
Founding Member
This thread has 'Toxic' written all over it.......??
Oh fuck off, you fucking pansy arsed liberal elite toff. Everyone talks politics in the bar innit? Where else could you insult the retards who are allowed to vote in our pretend democracy.

In the 2015 election, those UKIP wankers got 12.5% of the votes, and 1 seat, the SNP got 4.7% of the votes and 56 seats, the greens got 3.8% resulting in on seat. If you were to allocate the 650 seats in Parliament using the percentage of the votes they got the outcome would be very different an Labour could have formed a coalition government with the Lib Dems (or UKIP but that would have been mental). Sinn Fein were the only party standing who got the correct number of seats relative to the percentage of the votes they got, 4. This is a very fucked up system.

This is the number of seats parties got and the number they should have if we had proper democracy!

Conservatives 331, 240
Labour 232 , 198
SNP 56 , 31
Liberal Democrats 8 , 51
UKIP 1, 82
Green Party 1, 25

Of course the fucking Tories don't want proper democracy, they would lose almost as many seats as the fucking lefty Labour party and the Jocks. The Lib Dems, UKIP and the greens got fucked up the back door in the last election, they were robbed of 148 seats between them. I hate UKIP passionately, but I hate the fucking lie that the UK is a democracy even more.
Don Diaz

Don Diaz

Zero tolerance of Numpty's
Founding Member
Oh fuck off, you fucking pansy arsed liberal elite toff. Everyone talks politics in the bar innit? Where else could you insult the retards who are allowed to vote in our pretend democracy.

In the 2015 election, those UKIP wankers got 12.5% of the votes, and 1 seat, the SNP got 4.7% of the votes and 56 seats, the greens got 3.8% resulting in on seat. If you were to allocate the 650 seats in Parliament using the percentage of the votes they got the outcome would be very different an Labour could have formed a coalition government with the Lib Dems (or UKIP but that would have been mental). Sinn Fein were the only party standing who got the correct number of seats relative to the percentage of the votes they got, 4. This is a very fucked up system.

This is the number of seats parties got and the number they should have if we had proper democracy!

Conservatives 331, 240
Labour 232 , 198
SNP 56 , 31
Liberal Democrats 8 , 51
UKIP 1, 82
Green Party 1, 25

Of course the fucking Tories don't want proper democracy, they would lose almost as many seats as the fucking lefty Labour party and the Jocks. The Lib Dems, UKIP and the greens got fucked up the back door in the last election, they were robbed of 148 seats between them. I hate UKIP passionately, but I hate the fucking lie that the UK is a democracy even more.
...pansy arsed liberal elite toff here......I'm all for proportional representation, but the argument against it is weak government, with continual no overall control. I don't know because I haven't researched it where PR works well? Neither of the two main parties are for it on those grounds as far as I'm aware and also it suits them. The rest of our 'democracy' works about as well as it does anywhere else I reckon.


The Voice Of Reason
Founding Member
...pansy arsed liberal elite toff here......I'm all for proportional representation, but the argument against it is weak government, with continual no overall control. I don't know because I haven't researched it where PR works well? Neither of the two main parties are for it on those grounds as far as I'm aware and also it suits them. The rest of our 'democracy' works about as well as it does anywhere else I reckon.
The counter argument is that coalition governments curb the excesses of strong government? Most of the countries in Europe and loads around the world do very nicely with coalitions, maybe coalitions even force the political parties to actually listen to the opposition's point of view. All the main political parties in the UK have some good ideas but they won't take on board anybody else's points or support good policies even when they are the dog's bollocks.

The big problem I have with our first past the post system is that so many votes are 'wasted', if you live in a strong party x constituency then what is the point of voting? How can we call a system democratic when it cost UKIP 3,881,129 votes to win a seat when the Tories only needed 34,244 per seat? Party politics make me grumpy, the MPs do not represent the local people they represent their party and that is fucked, where I live we are 'represented' by that slimey toad weasel slug tory cunt Oliver Lewin, he got 28,000 votes which was less than half the total votes cast. Ros Kayes the Liberal Democrat got 12,000 votes but she gets fuck all, not even a stool let alone a seat, I think that is fucked up because 29,000 votes in West Dorset have been wasted and that cunt Letwin gets a nice comfy seat.

Votes Per Seat
Don Diaz

Don Diaz

Zero tolerance of Numpty's
Founding Member
The counter argument is that coalition governments curb the excesses of strong government? Most of the countries in Europe and loads around the world do very nicely with coalitions, maybe coalitions even force the political parties to actually listen to the opposition's point of view. All the main political parties in the UK have some good ideas but they won't take on board anybody else's points or support good policies even when they are the dog's bollocks.

The big problem I have with our first past the post system is that so many votes are 'wasted', if you live in a strong party x constituency then what is the point of voting? How can we call a system democratic when it cost UKIP 3,881,129 votes to win a seat when the Tories only needed 34,244 per seat? Party politics make me grumpy, the MPs do not represent the local people they represent their party and that is fucked, where I live we are 'represented' by that slimey toad weasel slug tory cunt Oliver Lewin, he got 28,000 votes which was less than half the total votes cast. Ros Kayes the Liberal Democrat got 12,000 votes but she gets fuck all, not even a stool let alone a seat, I think that is fucked up because 29,000 votes in West Dorset have been wasted and that cunt Letwin gets a nice comfy seat.

Votes Per Seat
Yes, it's hard to argue against PR and perhaps if we had it then more people would vote, because it would count, regardless of where you lived. But, as you have pointed out on a number of occasions, sometimes ' weaker democracy' gives a poor result - Trump, Brexit etc. and you need strong leadership. Pr seems to work in Germany, maybe the differences in the parties is not too extreme. Certainly Blair took Labour into the centre ground and the party has never really recovered.


Well-Known Member
I'll leave my views about the choices we have to my favourite fake newsreader/political satirist Mr Johnathan Pie.



Well-Known Member
Founding Member
All politicians are cunts.
there I said it.


Well-Known Member
Founding Member
I think the days of career politicians doing the job for altruistic reasons are, unfortunately long gone.
Seeking power as a career,how did it come to the this??By definition we will never have the best human being for looking after us,merely the most devious and competetive snake types.Thats pretty much every country every elected person or despot tyrant.Ruled by whomever the sun&mail decides,stick em all in a room and when they do actually turn up to govern its hundreds of muppets shouting at each other waving pieces of paper,trolling the other side,in this age reallly this is how we are "ruled".?Human nature is merely to better ones self,so we get what we deserve a bunch of self serving snakes,I doubt UK,america will ever see a mandela or any other good person elected.I vote by not voting,left right center,they are all politicians.
Rev John Ripsher

Rev John Ripsher

Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="skiathospurs, post: 14854, member: 4"stick em all in a room and when they do actually turn up to govern its hundreds of muppets shouting at each other waving pieces of paper,trolling the other side,in this age reallly this is how we are "ruled".?.[/QUOTE]

I have been to Parliament and seen it at work, the scene you describe is only seen at Prime Minister's questions. This is, unfortunately, the most often publicised view of the Commons, it is, at all other times quite remarkable by the good manners and time given to speeches. I am not making excuses for them, but for 40 minutes per week, it gets given an inordinate amount of publicity. I for one thought that this was how it was the entire time.


Founding Member



We've had noting on here a out the general election for a wee while and I have to admit I'm being won over.

Theresa May is an absolute lying bitch. She has changed he opinions on so many policies over here career, I simply can't believe a single word the Monty Burns looking moose says.

Corbyn is a listener in a world of loose cannons. We could do with someone who doesn't fly off the handle and build walls in this world.


The Voice Of Reason
Founding Member



We've had noting on here a out the general election for a wee while and I have to admit I'm being won over.

Theresa May is an absolute lying bitch. She has changed he opinions on so many policies over here career, I simply can't believe a single word the Monty Burns looking moose says.

Corbyn is a listener in a world of loose cannons. We could do with someone who doesn't fly off the handle and build walls in this world.
Yep. I have been saying for fucking yonks that anyone who thought that cunt Tony B Liar was the biggest cunt we had ever had as a leader was in for a big surprise when this bitch gets the power she craves, oh yes, she will build big beautiful walls between us and everybody else in the world, no deals will be made because they will be bad deals and she won't be having bad deals when she can have no fucking deals at all. She will be a 'bloody awkward woman' when she is negotiating with the representatives of 700 million ex-customers of UK PLC, we don't need those cunts anymore when we can trade with the 3 million sheep farmers in New Zealand and these other 'new markets', much better than those fucking Euro-bastards.

Sadly Corbyn is a cunt of another type, his idealism is lovely, but it ain't ever gonna work. When he appoints retarded numpties like Diane fucking Abbot to his cabinet, for 'equality' reasons , then how the fuck can he be trusted to run a country? She is a fucking racist idiot - yes black people can be racist, oooh what a surprise! Taxing the fuck out of businesses to pay for all the dole scroungers to live in luxury won't work, the big businesses will just fuck off to other places - Europe maybe, and the small businesses will just jack it in, it's already almost impossible for a small business to employ staff when you have to pay minimum wage, sick pay, holiday pay, national insurance, pension contributions and give maternity leave, paternity leave, bereavement leave, bank holidays etc. etc. - and Corbyn wants them to pay more and have 4 more bank holidays? Hmmmm.

Farron? He's a pathetic god-botherer. UKIP? Oh fuck off, those facists are finished, I expect some flag waving cunts will still vote for them because they want proper shaped bananas and to be able to give bar staff lung cancer by smoking in pubs, but if they hold onto their one seat I will be surprised.

What a pox-awful choice we have in front of us. I am hoping for none of the above to have a clear majority, I would like to see a strong opposition to whichever party or coalition of parties is in charge, if the Tories get the massive majority they are hoping for then we are all fucked, if Labour manage a miracle and get a big majority then we re all fucked, if the Lib Dems win then I will know that none of this bollocks is real and I am living in some weird acid-flashback world. I will be voting Lib Dem because it is the only party in West Dorset who have a chance of ousting that Tory cunt 'Sir' Oliver Lewin, the lying two-faced, slimy, upperclass cunt said he was standing down at the next election, but like always with that cunt it was a lie. Cunt. total, complete cunt. I would vote for fucking UKIP if they stood a chance of beating him, nah, probberbubblyly not, but I would think about it.

Anybody who doesn't vote is a cunt and I will add them to my list. Voting should be made compulsory for the lazy fucking cunts who will whinge like fuck after the election because the bloke they couldn't be fucked voting for didn't get in.
Don Diaz

Don Diaz

Zero tolerance of Numpty's
Founding Member
Yep. I have been saying for fucking yonks that anyone who thought that cunt Tony B Liar was the biggest cunt we had ever had as a leader was in for a big surprise when this bitch gets the power she craves, oh yes, she will build big beautiful walls between us and everybody else in the world, no deals will be made because they will be bad deals and she won't be having bad deals when she can have no fucking deals at all. She will be a 'bloody awkward woman' when she is negotiating with the representatives of 700 million ex-customers of UK PLC, we don't need those cunts anymore when we can trade with the 3 million sheep farmers in New Zealand and these other 'new markets', much better than those fucking Euro-bastards.

Sadly Corbyn is a cunt of another type, his idealism is lovely, but it ain't ever gonna work. When he appoints retarded numpties like Diane fucking Abbot to his cabinet, for 'equality' reasons , then how the fuck can he be trusted to run a country? She is a fucking racist idiot - yes black people can be racist, oooh what a surprise! Taxing the fuck out of businesses to pay for all the dole scroungers to live in luxury won't work, the big businesses will just fuck off to other places - Europe maybe, and the small businesses will just jack it in, it's already almost impossible for a small business to employ staff when you have to pay minimum wage, sick pay, holiday pay, national insurance, pension contributions and give maternity leave, paternity leave, bereavement leave, bank holidays etc. etc. - and Corbyn wants them to pay more and have 4 more bank holidays? Hmmmm.

Farron? He's a pathetic god-botherer. UKIP? Oh fuck off, those facists are finished, I expect some flag waving cunts will still vote for them because they want proper shaped bananas and to be able to give bar staff lung cancer by smoking in pubs, but if they hold onto their one seat I will be surprised.

What a pox-awful choice we have in front of us. I am hoping for none of the above to have a clear majority, I would like to see a strong opposition to whichever party or coalition of parties is in charge, if the Tories get the massive majority they are hoping for then we are all fucked, if Labour manage a miracle and get a big majority then we re all fucked, if the Lib Dems win then I will know that none of this bollocks is real and I am living in some weird acid-flashback world. I will be voting Lib Dem because it is the only party in West Dorset who have a chance of ousting that Tory cunt 'Sir' Oliver Lewin, the lying two-faced, slimy, upperclass cunt said he was standing down at the next election, but like always with that cunt it was a lie. Cunt. total, complete cunt. I would vote for fucking UKIP if they stood a chance of beating him, nah, probberbubblyly not, but I would think about it.

Anybody who doesn't vote is a cunt and I will add them to my list. Voting should be made compulsory for the lazy fucking cunts who will whinge like fuck after the election because the bloke they couldn't be fucked voting for didn't get in.
One small, incy wincy, wafer thin question......if all the parties are cunts as described, but everyone should vote because otherwise they're a cunt, who should they vote for? Asking for a friend.....


Founding Member
Stuck between some cunts and a hard place (probably filled to the fucking brim with cunts btw).

I have to vote for Some cunt and if it means we don't have that hag of a woman at the helm I will vote for Corbyn. He is gaining momentum and hopefully connecting with the kids and young voters who can elect him.

These are general erections so the local candidate isn't necessarily that important. They will be the one to simply spearhead then next government's/leaders plan.

I have to agree the apathetic cunts are now also on my ever growing list. Had polite chit chat with a man at the school gates about the election who told me "not my thing mate, don't get involved". He did not like being called a thick cunt at the school gates. When I explained to him the implications for him and his wife who work in education..... Yup this fucktard and his wife apparently help shape the adults of the future in some way... He simply said.... "Oh, well I didn't know that did I".


How did I know as a fully functioning member of society that it is my obligation to try and shape this world as best I can for the future if my children.

How did I know about the 600 year old political system we haven in place to represent the wishes of our democracy?


I look enviously at my friends who have been brave enough to up sticks and relocate in another democracy where the epidemic of cunts hasent yet reached pandemic levels.

Time to look again at the gold coast.
Don Diaz

Don Diaz

Zero tolerance of Numpty's
Founding Member
Stuck between some cunts and a hard place (probably filled to the fucking brim with cunts btw).

I have to vote for Some cunt and if it means we don't have that hag of a woman at the helm I will vote for Corbyn. He is gaining momentum and hopefully connecting with the kids and young voters who can elect him.

These are general erections so the local candidate isn't necessarily that important. They will be the one to simply spearhead then next government's/leaders plan.

I have to agree the apathetic cunts are now also on my ever growing list. Had polite chit chat with a man at the school gates about the election who told me "not my thing mate, don't get involved". He did not like being called a thick cunt at the school gates. When I explained to him the implications for him and his wife who work in education..... Yup this fucktard and his wife apparently help shape the adults of the future in some way... He simply said.... "Oh, well I didn't know that did I".


How did I know as a fully functioning member of society that it is my obligation to try and shape this world as best I can for the future if my children.

How did I know about the 600 year old political system we haven in place to represent the wishes of our democracy?


I look enviously at my friends who have been brave enough to up sticks and relocate in another democracy where the epidemic of cunts hasent yet reached pandemic levels.

Time to look again at the gold coast.
Based on the average intelligence of most Australians, especially those in Queensland - the bloke you refer to might just get there before you!! In Australia voting is compulsory though, so he might not like that......94% in the last Federal election - about 65% here and 57% in the in short only about 27% of the population voted for Trump.

It's madness isn't it.


The Voice Of Reason
Founding Member
One small, incy wincy, wafer thin question......if all the parties are cunts as described, but everyone should vote because otherwise they're a cunt, who should they vote for? Asking for a friend.....
Your friend should do some research, ask the cunts who are standing locally what they will do when they are elected and then pick the one who is the least cuntly. I would never tell anyone who to vote for, personally I will be voting tactically to try and deny the evil, facist, baby-eating Tories a seat and the only way my vote can count for anything here is to vote for Farron's mob. Voting Labour down here would be the same as not voting, and I don't want to end up on my own list do I? People would think I was mental if I was forever trying to kick myself in the bollocks for being a non-voting cunt. There are some very bad options, but here will always be one least bad option, maybe voting for the people your friend hates the least would not achieve anything and your friend could vote for the ones that would thwart the ones he or she hated the most. I haven't said thwart for ages, it feels nice!

Of course everybody should vote, your friend is a total cunt if he or she thinks not voting is an option, people died to give your friend a vote and if your friend does not want to piss on the graves of those people then he or she should vote. The future of the country is at stake, personally I don't like young people they are all cunts, but I am a fair, compassionate, empathetic, tolerant, nice sort of chap as everybody knows, so I will vote in a way that I believe will give these annoying young cunts the best possible future, even though the irritating little cunts do not deserve that sort of consideration.

If your friend is one of the 'my vote won't make a difference' cunts, then tell him or her that I said he or she is a total cunt and will be placed on my list.
Don Diaz

Don Diaz

Zero tolerance of Numpty's
Founding Member
Thanks @Dorset I think that's cleared that up and I will let them know.


The Voice Of Reason
Founding Member
Thanks @Dorset I think that's cleared that up and I will let them know.
The 28% of the eligible voters who could not be fucked and the lazy arsed young people who could not be fucked to register - caused the cluster fuck that is happening now. That bitch May would not be PM and this election would not be taking place if voting had been compulsory in that poxed up referendum where the knuckle draggers and flag wavers exercised their rights to be wankers and the lazy cunts stayed home because 'it could not happen could it?'. The ones who didn't vote in the referendum are the biggest cunts of all and they are even higher up my list than the flag-wavers.
Don Diaz

Don Diaz

Zero tolerance of Numpty's
Founding Member
The 28% of the eligible voters who could not be fucked and the lazy arsed young people who could not be fucked to register - caused the cluster fuck that is happening now. That bitch May would not be PM and this election would not be taking place if voting had been compulsory in that poxed up referendum where the knuckle draggers and flag wavers exercised their rights to be wankers and the lazy cunts stayed home because 'it could not happen could it?'. The ones who didn't vote in the referendum are the biggest cunts of all and they are even higher up my list than the flag-wavers.
What about the cheese makers? they're blessed aren't they?


Founding Member
The 28% of the eligible voters who could not be fucked and the lazy arsed young people who could not be fucked to register - caused the cluster fuck that is happening now. That bitch May would not be PM and this election would not be taking place if voting had been compulsory in that poxed up referendum where the knuckle draggers and flag wavers exercised their rights to be wankers and the lazy cunts stayed home because 'it could not happen could it?'. The ones who didn't vote in the referendum are the biggest cunts of all and they are even higher up my list than the flag-wavers.
Brixit will never happen...
Trump will never happen...
Corbyn will never happen...


The Voice Of Reason
Founding Member
In the BBC debate last night Corbyn won by a mile. Our glorious leader could not be fucked to turn up so she sent her chief idiot Amber Rudd, whose only option when she couldn't answer sensible questions or was being mullahed was to try and rubbish Corbyn. I am so pissed off with politicians resorting to saying how bad the other bloke is when they should be answering the questions and saying what they are going to do.

That facist cunt Nutall off course wanted to blame everything on the immigrants and tell us all how much money we have paid into the EU, that's old fake news mate, you can fuck off now. Tim Farron came across as false and patronising, which he is. The Green lady, Caroline Lucas was very good, it's a real shame we don't have a fair democratic system in this country as she could get 3 or 4 million votes in 'trendy hipster' areas and still only win the Brighton seat. Plaid Cymru? Yeah OK, they might get lucky and hold onto their 3 seats, who really cares? The SNP bloke was a dick of course, it would be funny if the sweaties give them the boot this time round!

This election is getting more interesting! Maybe wannabe tyrant Mrs May will not get the landslide victory she was expecting, folks are seeing through their exaggerations and realise unless they are wealthy toffs they might get fucked up the back door by the Tories. Maybe folks will now forgive the Lib Dems for being cunts and allowing that cunt Clegg to lie his bollocks off? Maybe the jochs will be pissed off with all the bollocks about independence, they know they will be bum-buggered because 'their' oil is worth fuck-all know.

If the arch-bitch does not win this election, that's her finished. That would be nice, I would like that a lot.


The Voice Of Reason
Founding Member
Just two more sleeps then we can all go and vote - tactically. I don't think the Tories can lose and that is probably a good thing as the thought of Jeremy's cabinet would give anyone nightmares, can you imagine Diane fucking Abbott as Home Secretary? Nasty. We think having that buffoon Johnson as Foreign Secretary is bad, Ms Abbott would redefine bad.

Personally, I think the Tories need to have their majority cut, so that Mrs May will not be allowed to impose Extreme-Brexit on us. Brexit is here to stay, there is nothing we can do to stop it, but allowing this power mad woman to be 'bloody awkward' in negotiations and to use the Trump-like techniques of 'fuck you foreigners' would be dumb. She needs her tyrannical power to be moderated by a strong opposition, I don't care if that opposition is Labour or the Lib Dems, I don't even much care if that opposition comes from the SNP as long as it is 'strong and stable' and stops the wicked witch doing any dumb, stupid, awkward thing she wants. No deal on Brexit, massive cuts in the NHS and other public services will be just around the corner unless we vote tactically and make sure she does not get the landslide victory she is expecting.

The Tories will win this election, and the numpty voters will probably give her a huge victory because she will fuck over those nasty foreigners, but I can hope that sanity will return to the brains of the folks brainwashed by the media and the lying facists and this time they will have a little think before making their mark on the ballot paper. Yeah like that's going to happen.

Tactical Voting - Best For Britain Site


The Voice Of Reason
Founding Member
This is not quite such a foregone conclusion. The Tories have fucked up their campaign badly, apparently through arrogance and poor decision making. Here is a reasonably reputable up to date assessment. The prediction seems to be a Tory win but not by a large enough majority, to govern at their will. As spotted by Dorset above.
Yep, that landslide might not happen. There are loads of polls showing the Tories might not get a majority in the election, sadly many numpties think this means that Labour will win and are going all mental about Jezza and Dianne being given the keys to Number 10 because they think there are only two parties in the fight. Even in the insane world where Brexit happened and Trump got elected I really don't think we will see a Labour government next week, next year or even next decade, their chances of them winning that overall majority are about the same as my chances of getting a call from the Poch to be the backup striker for Harry.

I suppose there is a extremely remote possibility that Labour and the SNP could form a coalition government, nah, that's seriously unlikely, there is a small possibility that the SNP could snuggle up to the Tories if May fails to get a majority. Fuck knows what will happen! I am hoping for the Tories to have their small current majority cut or wiped out totally - I am imaging Sturgeon as deputy PM and am laughing a lot, which is better than smashing my head against the wall and howling when I imagine Dianne fucking Abbot, Tom cunty-mac-cuntface Watson, John lying-bastrad-fucker McDonnell in any government.

I am expecting New-New-Labour to rise from the ashes of Old-New-Old-Labour or whatever the fuck this shambles calls itself. A proper non-mental Labour leader like Hillary Benn could build an opposition party with a realistic chance of beating the Tories but that will take years.
Don Diaz

Don Diaz

Zero tolerance of Numpty's
Founding Member
Yep, that landslide might not happen. There are loads of polls showing the Tories might not get a majority in the election, sadly many numpties think this means that Labour will win and are going all mental about Jezza and Dianne being given the keys to Number 10 because they think there are only two parties in the fight. Even in the insane world where Brexit happened and Trump got elected I really don't think we will see a Labour government next week, next year or even next decade, their chances of them winning that overall majority are about the same as my chances of getting a call from the Poch to be the backup striker for Harry.

I suppose there is a extremely remote possibility that Labour and the SNP could form a coalition government, nah, that's seriously unlikely, there is a small possibility that the SNP could snuggle up to the Tories if May fails to get a majority. Fuck knows what will happen! I am hoping for the Tories to have their small current majority cut or wiped out totally - I am imaging Sturgeon as deputy PM and am laughing a lot, which is better than smashing my head against the wall and howling when I imagine Dianne fucking Abbot, Tom cunty-mac-cuntface Watson, John lying-bastrad-fucker McDonnell in any government.

I am expecting New-New-Labour to rise from the ashes of Old-New-Old-Labour or whatever the fuck this shambles calls itself. A proper non-mental Labour leader like Hillary Benn could build an opposition party with a realistic chance of beating the Tories but that will take years.
Christ - I'm exhausted! Bring back David Milliband?

I've concluded that the best option is move to Sydney, it's safer, the weather is better, the sport and food is good, flora and fauna is outstanding and you'd be smarter than almost everyone else in the country.