Founding Member
Well this will undoubtedly end badly...
But fuck it.....!
So the caretaker has gone against her word (makes a change for a politician) and called for a general election.
She assumes that due to "the polls" showing her party as having a healthy lead she will win and therfore be validated as the true leader of the UK (what's left of it).
So I though as we're having a general erection we may as well spout our opinions about it all in one place.
Let me start...
The Labour manifesto has been leaked from within the party. And tbh what I have seen of it it's just about spot on. I would say that when they find the leak (unless it was done intentionally and they were simply trying to gauge public opinion, which is a great move imo) they should properly go 18th century on the fucker and stone the cunt for some form of treason... proper dick move that is...!!!
So Corbyn probably wouldn't be anyone's for 1st choice as a leader. He isn't sexy enough, he doesn't seem dynamic enough or someone we think would represent us internationally as a strong leader...
But let's weigh up the history of this man from my layman's perspective.
He wants to rid the uk and the world of capitalism... he has always had this vision and he has never wavered from it.
He wants necular disarmament... again this has been one of his main stays throughout his time in politics. He has softened and agreed there is currently a need for it within the uk by agreeing to the renewal of Trident, but will push for other options and world wide unilateral disarmament... may not be achievable before some loon uses one and reminds us why they are so fucking bad, but for me his morals on this one do seem sound.
He wants to support those with less by making those with more pay more.
He wants public services to work for the public and be owned by the country and be fit for purpose.
He wants the NHS and Schools properly funded.
I dont know all the Corbyn stuff (I'm not a fanboy) and I'm sure there will be negatives but on the face of it, it seems he wants the world to be a better place starting with the uk.
As for the "New Thatcher" She has flipfloped more times than Havaianas.
Brexit is Bad..... let's go hard brexit.
National insurance won't go up...... oh my bad yes it fucking will.
3000 refugee kids.... oops I meat 300.
And who wants another Thatcher anyway?
But fuck it.....!
So the caretaker has gone against her word (makes a change for a politician) and called for a general election.
She assumes that due to "the polls" showing her party as having a healthy lead she will win and therfore be validated as the true leader of the UK (what's left of it).
So I though as we're having a general erection we may as well spout our opinions about it all in one place.
Let me start...
The Labour manifesto has been leaked from within the party. And tbh what I have seen of it it's just about spot on. I would say that when they find the leak (unless it was done intentionally and they were simply trying to gauge public opinion, which is a great move imo) they should properly go 18th century on the fucker and stone the cunt for some form of treason... proper dick move that is...!!!
So Corbyn probably wouldn't be anyone's for 1st choice as a leader. He isn't sexy enough, he doesn't seem dynamic enough or someone we think would represent us internationally as a strong leader...
But let's weigh up the history of this man from my layman's perspective.
He wants to rid the uk and the world of capitalism... he has always had this vision and he has never wavered from it.
He wants necular disarmament... again this has been one of his main stays throughout his time in politics. He has softened and agreed there is currently a need for it within the uk by agreeing to the renewal of Trident, but will push for other options and world wide unilateral disarmament... may not be achievable before some loon uses one and reminds us why they are so fucking bad, but for me his morals on this one do seem sound.
He wants to support those with less by making those with more pay more.
He wants public services to work for the public and be owned by the country and be fit for purpose.
He wants the NHS and Schools properly funded.
I dont know all the Corbyn stuff (I'm not a fanboy) and I'm sure there will be negatives but on the face of it, it seems he wants the world to be a better place starting with the uk.
As for the "New Thatcher" She has flipfloped more times than Havaianas.
Brexit is Bad..... let's go hard brexit.
National insurance won't go up...... oh my bad yes it fucking will.
3000 refugee kids.... oops I meat 300.
And who wants another Thatcher anyway?