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Uk politics...



Well-Known Member
For the life of me I have no idea how that thing stays on.


The Voice Of Reason
Founding Member
I just had a look at the list of candidates for the new tory Führer. Evil, nasty, corrupt, insane, xenophobic, homophobic - every fucking one of these wannabe dictators fit in at least one of these categories. The pathetic howling from Brexitting fuckwits who still believe that Johnson saved them from the lurgy when everybody in the EU died horribly, and that the fat lying cunt was stabbed in the back - no you stupid cunts he stabbed himself in the face a hundred times. Wankers, stupid, fucking thick cunts.


Founding Member
Can't see the Brexit mob wanting half the candidaes... for patently obvious reasons...!!!

10 of them prepared to lay their neck on the block.

Either way it'll be another unelected arse hole who is feathering their own nest.

I fucking hate them all... give me an option for genuine political reform, a modern political system that represents 2022 and beyond not the archaic horse shit Cambridge and Eton conveyer belt of hereditary millionaire cunts.


Lord High Chief of the Privvy
Founding Member
There's a clip doing the rounds of Sunak laughing because he has "no working class friends".

A billionaire wife as well and he wants people to believe he understands the working man and how families are struggling to make ends meet at the moment.

The perfect encapsulation of what the Tories are all about.


The Voice Of Reason
Founding Member
This sums up the Tory party:

"Fuck you peasants, I'm a fucking minister and I'm off to stick my nose in the trough"


Founding Member
Yep, I can't agree more. Rumours of Sunak being caught on tape admitting he doesn't have and commoner friends and his wife is a billionaire...!!!

Boris exposed for trying to give favours to another woman he fucked...

Zahawi exposed as a millionaire tax exile...

Honestly, this is exaclty why I want full and unequivocal reform.

I've go no problem with people being well off. I've go no issue with people inheriting wealth.

I've got a problem with people in politics using their position to build and protect their status at the expense of me and thw rest of the little people.


The Voice Of Reason
Founding Member
How do you like your Brexit? It doesn't matter because the EU will not renegotiate. They won't back down to the Tory lies, threats, tantrums and law breaking, and they won't back down in the face of Starmer's sensible, polite requests. Starmer will carry on with the Tory Brexit, no rejoining the SM or CU, but he will 'make it work', oh fuck off Starmer, those splinters in your arse from sitting on that fence must be quite painful now. He loves Brexit so much now that he could stand for leader of the Conservatives.

That Badenoch woman is a total facist. More extreme than even the wicked witch Patel. I think it will be Sunak and Truss as the last two standing and the members will of course not vote for a brown man, so Truss it is. Fuck, there may be trouble ahead, she is mental as fuck and is being supported by Rees Mog and Dorries!


Founding Member
One of the Tory candidates actually said she didn't want people to vote for her "because she was brown"...

I mean, if we reverse engineer that statement and I was running for PM and said I did want people to vote for me "because I was white"... or even worse "because I wasn't brown"... where the fuck would we stand then...?

The colour of her skin means fuck all to me. I know to a large proportion of the knuckle dragging electorate it will mean a fucking great deal and be enough for them to not hear a single word that leaves her lips, but why make an issue out of it...?

It such a non issue for me personally that I'm staggered she actually thought it merited mention in her opening bid to become the leader of our country? She also mentioned that she was a woman and that also wasn't a valid reason to vote for her.

Fucking loony cunt. Oh she didn't say that being a fucking loony cunt wasn't a reason to vote for her, so I guess if that's what you're looking for...!


The Voice Of Reason
Founding Member
Boris Johnson skips emergency heatwave meeting ‘to host party’. Staying true to his Tory principles right to the very end.


Well-Known Member
Sunak would be bad enough, but Truss? You are totally Emersoned


The Voice Of Reason
Founding Member
Sunak would be bad enough, but Truss? You are totally Emersoned
If it wasn't so tragic and she wouldn't cause so much damage to the country it would be funny. She is bat-shit crazy mental, incompetent, ignorant and a fucking hopeless communicator. She has the personality of a psychotic toaster and she is gong to the next PM of the UK. This can't be real, all those chemicals back in the 70s must have totally fucked my brain up. In what fucking universe could anybody even imagine her as the PM let alone vote for her?

The Tory members will vote for her because she will put off paying debts for 50 years, scrap all that namby-pamby nett zero stuff and sever all ties with the EU, they don't care, they will be dead before the shit really hits the fan. Maybe that poo will hit the fan sooner though, how will Tory-lite Starmer react to a General Strike and how could these evil selfservatives survive one? Coming soon, don't miss the next thrilling instalment of 'The Brexit Chainsaw Massacres'.


Founding Member
Truss will be a collosal carcrash for the Tories... and I could see her being the catalyst for another systemic shift with the Liberals mopping up swathes of the not as fucking mental, racist and Euro hating memebership ditching their Tory flag waving bullshit.

Lib dems need to seriously get their shit together for the next GE because the fucking horse is about to bolt the stables and where the cunt ends up cannot be predicted.

Labour with Keir are also rans... I don't dislike the toffee nosed cunt, but what has he said or done to make me think Labour won't borrow all the money we need, fucking ourselves up the arse even fucking further.

Richi is a rich prick but he is right... its a fucking rough thing to do and I dont think he'll go far enough quick enough to make a significant difference but we need to work, earn and tax our way out of this. He will have to shaft his massively rich pals at the global megga corps and almost every cunt who earns more that enough quids.

He'll have to get a solid grip of the energy companies and maybe re-nationalise the shit out of one or two of them to make them understand their days of 1000% profits are long fucking over. That if they don't provide cheap, green, renewable energy, very very fucking fast that they will be penalised at unheard of levels.

This county is about as fucked as we can get... I fear that by the end of it there will be civil unrest because people are going to have their comfort blankets ripped from them unceremoniously once the strikes, energy crisis ans services start to buckle under the shot storm this gorement has started us directly into actually hits...


The Voice Of Reason
Founding Member
The new PM of Ingerlund has shown her true statesmanlike, diplomacy skills by saying she would ignore the 'attention seeker Nicola Sturgeon'. Truss will be PM with zero votes from the electorate (apart from the looneys who voted for he locally and the handful of UKIP nazis who are members of the Tory Party),Sturgeon's SNP received 60% of the votes in the Scottish election. I wish Scotland all the best when they finally break away from the political shit-hole England (and Wales?) has become. I watched the TV programme this morning about Leicester celebrating 50 years since the Ugandan immigrants arrived - complete with clips of the National front marching in protest. I fought those cunts in Lewisham back in the 70's, now they are the fucking government. They got really, really fucked up that day, but so did we, not by the coward NF cunts but by Plod.


The Voice Of Reason
Founding Member
What a pair of cunts. Sunak tells the deprived folks of Tonbridge Wells that he tried to stop funds going to properly deprived areas and go to them, Truss talks total bollocks about how she can stop the recession that is coming by cutting taxes and blaming the fucking Bank of England for inflation. Stupid as fuck.


Founding Member
What a pair of cunts. Sunak tells the deprived folks of Tonbridge Wells that he tried to stop funds going to properly deprived areas and go to them, Truss talks total bollocks about how she can stop the recession that is coming by cutting taxes and blaming the fucking Bank of England for inflation. Stupid as fuck.
Truss is a fucking danger to herself the clock faced cunt.

She and her loony ERG mob can't he given the keys again...

Full scale rebellion is what I call for, fuck the establishment...!!!


The Voice Of Reason
Founding Member
Europe reacts to Truss as OM
6th September 2022
In the sane EU are reacting to the new that Lizzy "mad as a box of frogs" Truss has been appointed the new PM of Brexitania.
Her policies include cutting taxes but not cutting taxes, freezing the energy cap but not freezing the energy cap, delivering something, delivering it again and delivering it one more time for luck. She was a passionate Remainer who decided that Brexit was better for her career, she was also a dedicated Lib Dem until she became a Tory for the same reasons she flipped on her Brexit opinion. She likes cheese and has negotiated an 'impossible' trade deal with Australia for the UK which will result in an increase of 0.2%GDP over 10 years and will provide farmers with much more time to look for other jobs. She also negotiated a great trade deal with Japan which has resulted in a drop in exports because the EU negotiated an even better deal. She does not listen to 'experts', believing that if she just wishes very hard and believes in miracles, the coming recession and 20% inflation will be averted.



Well-Known Member
Founding Member
Truss. /trʌs/

1) Noun [c]. A surgical device worn over your bollocks to stop your guts herniating into your scrotum.

2) Verb [t]. To tightly bind the arms and legs of someone / something to stop them escaping.


Well-Known Member
A handshake with Liz Truss and ERII says "that's it, I'm out of here". Or maybe not - anyone else wondering about the old novichok handshake trick? I've been told she's very ambitious.


The Voice Of Reason
Founding Member
Fucking blimey. I was expecting it to be bad, but this is taking the piss out of bad.


Founding Member
14th Oct 2022...

You could not make this shit up now...

Chancellor sacked after 37 days in office...

3 Major U turns including corporation tax and higher rate tax cuts after 37 days in office...

She has to be ready to make history as the shortest serving PM of all time...

This country is an absolute shit show...


The Voice Of Reason
Founding Member
At least it's funny. I am laughing out loud (not lol'ing because I am a grown up wot got learned how to speak proper Ingerlund at skool). OK, it's not really funny, millions of people will have their pensions fucked up, it will become even more difficult for young people to get on the housing ladder and they will have to keep on buying some other cunt's house for them, but all you can really do is laugh at this total shambles of a fuck-up government. Truss has kept herself in office for a few more weeks, maybe the Tories will keep her and she will just become a puppet PM (PMINO) - the embarrassment of having 3 PMs in a year would be too much for them, even more than 4 Chancellors in 4 months (5 if Truss goes because the new PM will bring in their own geezer).

It has been a lesson in stupidity. I agree that growth is good and who the fuck is against low taxes? The problem was that the tax cuts hve to come AFTER the growth. FFS, if I went to the bank and asked for a loan to pay myself more money, telling them if I paid myself more I would be more productive which would enable me to pay back the loan, they would rightly tell me to fuck off. The total fucking nonsense of trickle-down economics is an idea most 5 year olds would be able to laugh at.


Founding Member
So I went away last week to Dorsets neck of the woods for some biking, and a pal of mine who is well connected, relayed a story to me that is apparently, common knowledge across the city of London financial district...

Mr Kwarteng had a private meeting (that is apparently in his parliamentary callendar, as thems the rules),with a handful of his previous colleagues/chums just a few days before episode mini budget...

All those present proceeded to short the pound making out like bandits (in the hundreds of millions catagory) when the mini budget dropped and the financial market shat its self and collapsed our economy...

Now yeah, you could say but it's a sisters, aunts, dog told me story and yeah I get that... but its plausible enough for it to have some elements of truth...

Either way he worked for some institutions, who had a reputation of taking huge punts with others money...

Either way, he's double shit at his job and now piss off back to the city to enjoy his private fortune and sell a 37 page diarist account of his tenure as the worst chancellor the UK has ever had...


The Voice Of Reason
Founding Member
So I went away last week to Dorsets neck of the woods for some biking, and a pal of mine who is well connected, relayed a story to me that is apparently, common knowledge across the city of London financial district...

Mr Kwarteng had a private meeting (that is apparently in his parliamentary callendar, as thems the rules),with a handful of his previous colleagues/chums just a few days before episode mini budget...

All those present proceeded to short the pound making out like bandits (in the hundreds of millions catagory) when the mini budget dropped and the financial market shat its self and collapsed our economy...

Now yeah, you could say but it's a sisters, aunts, dog told me story and yeah I get that... but its plausible enough for it to have some elements of truth...

Either way he worked for some institutions, who had a reputation of taking huge punts with others money...

Either way, he's double shit at his job and now piss off back to the city to enjoy his private fortune and sell a 37 page diarist account of his tenure as the worst chancellor the UK has ever had...
Mate, that was actually reported and he admitted it. He also went to a champagne reception with those same ex-colleagues and chums (one of them called him a 'useful idiot while he was counting the hundreds of millions he had made shorting the pound). At the very best it is criminal negligence and deserves a prison sentence and being barred from ever holding any public office again, at the worst it is treason and deserves a life sentence. These fucking Tories have been allowed to get away with corruption for so long it has become accepted.
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The Voice Of Reason
Founding Member
Who's a thought that Rhyming Slang Hunt would be the PM? Yeah, I know he's the Chancellor, but he's in charge now and Truss is PMINO. I laughed when I heard a Tory cunt on LBC (while I was swimming in my pool, enjoying the 28 degrees of fucking luvvliness we are having in Spain at the moment) - say Rhyming Slang had a good track record. Ha fucking ha, ask a nurse or a doctor or anyone who suffered and is still suffering following his mismanagement of the NHS.

Another outrage from that fat cunt Coffey. How could an obese cigar smoking drunk be the fucking health secretary? She wants antibiotics to be more widely available, without prescriptions, she also said that she has regularly shared her own prescription medicines with her friends if they were poorly. What the actual fuck? Doctors have been fighting a losing battle with thicko patients for years now, trying to tell them that antibiotics are fucking useless against viral infections and the rampant overuse of these meds creates things like anti-biotic resistant bacteria that will kill everybody.


Well-Known Member
Founding Member
Cue Fat Sam/Neil Warnock for interim boss jokes…


Well-Known Member
Jeez, being PM is becoming sketchier than being a Watford manager on a losing streak. Kinda cool that you guys can just shitcan folks like that. Unfortunate that it doesn't get kicked back to the voters.


The Voice Of Reason
Founding Member
The cunts are only trying to get the bloke who was forced to resign due to incompetence, corruption, lying to Parliament and defending his sexual predator mate (and lying about not knowing about his previous form). 40+ ministers and government official resigned because of Johnson's misrule - now they want him back.

It's good that Truss has gone, even better that the evil Braverman has gone, she is a fucking psycho. Coffey to go next, that obese, cigar smoking drunk voted against banning smoking in cars with children, against the smoking ban in pubs, she wants to cancel the government anti smoking plan -she has previously accepted gifts and hospitality from the multi-billion pound tobacco giant Gallaher. This is the health secretary, unfucking-believable.


These evil facists need to be kicked out for good.


Founding Member
China have done a fucking fabulous Job of destroying 2 of the biggest and most efficient democracies in history...

We've blindly walked right into their traps and even been complicit in voting for their puppets of destruction...

I digress...

We need a general election. The Tories actually need one to save any semblance of their party. The trouble is, Labour or any new goverment will not be able to fix any of this or even start to make things better within the term of office (4 years). We're looking at 10/15 years and who has any fucking idea what shit storms (Pandemics/Wars/Economic crisis) will happen along the way and fuck things up the arse again...

So in 4 years time when "Goverment A" have failed to deliver, we'll change colour again and see a different bunch of self serving shit cunts making a names for themselves...

Political reform of some kind has to be on the agenda. I don't know what shape that takes, I don't know if it's even possible but we need a modern government, with modern ideas, for our modern world...

We don't need the stuffy falling down horseshit and pantomime that happenes in the Commons and Lords...

We need titans of Industry running the countries business affairs. We need titans of Healthcare running the countries NHS (Which I can see the Tories actually sizing up for further privatisation, btw). We need industry SME'S, from every specialism working for the country. Pay them well. Offer them titles for their service. But stop giving career politicians jobs for the boys in sectors their Batchelor of Arts degree in History from Oxford, completey fails to equip them with the knowledge or skills to run Defence/NHS/International trade etc...


Well-Known Member
I'd laugh at you all back in Blighty, but I have a horrible feeling that we're going to have far worse unleashed on us over here in the November elections.