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Unadulterated Xmas viewing



Well-Known Member
Founding Member
Just finished work for Christmas. ln the local for a few bevvies and full of xmas spirit!! @Dorset stay with me here for a bit!!!!! First stop when I got home is on here. I fucking love THFC. This is our year. We are in a great place, handily placed in the league and we haven't even started getting to the level we played at last year ffs. This title is going to the wire and I reckon we will be in the mix right to the wire. I'm blocked and I'm off to listen to the foggy dew the sinead o connor version. COYS

oh yeh the viewing thing. Uncle Buck is on. Great movie. John Candy is fucking immense.


Well-Known Member
Founding Member
" i was watching a film with my little boy earlier. he said "dad im scared, is that woman going to die ?"...

i said "judging on the size of that horses cock, yes"


The Voice Of Reason
Founding Member
We watched Hunt For The Wilderpeople yesterday, really good movie - but....... somebody dies, I won't say who in case I spoil it for any kiddies whoo haven't seen it yet. Oooooh it was sad, it started up my runny eyed hay fever I can tell you. Great movie, well worth a watch, the young actor who plays Ricky Baker is brilliant.


Well-Known Member
Founding Member
Santa Claus the movie
Nightmare before xmas
Home alone
Die Hard


Well-Known Member
Founding Member
And I forgot Muppets Christmas Carol (aka Arsenals midnight mass)


Well-Known Member
Home Alone 1 & 2 those always make me laugh. I pretty much know every scene by heart, and yet still have it on in the back ground.

Beverly Hills Cop 1,2 and 3 is another one I love, when I see it on the guide I just leave them running, ooh and the Lethal Weapon ones as well. I know not very Christmasy, but never been a fan of those sickly sweet Christmas movies.
Ted the Yid

Ted the Yid

Founding Member
A Christmas Carol
Blackadders Christmas Carol