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What does our immediate future look like?

Don Diaz

Don Diaz

Zero tolerance of Numpty's
Founding Member
Sorry for the negativity, I used to be the opposite, defending the club, the team, the manager through thick and thin, but if the last two years have proved anything at least some of that was mis-guided in the modern Premier League/football environment.

We've come from a mid-table, good cup team to a Champions league club, with (until recently) an exciting brand of football, progressive manager (Poch) and some world-class players, Kane and Son. But personally I fear that's now come to an end. In fact it has. During the last 10+ years our expectations and the ground rules have changed, so what does the immediate future hold? I think nothing significant can or will happen with Levy and maybe ENIC (Joe Lewis) at the helm.....hence their 'Get out of Jail free card of the European Super League, guaranteeing maximum income.

We're in trouble this Summer I think, especially if Kane and Son leave. We have a great stadium true, but a huge debt to go with it, we're the new Arsenal. It has to be time to sell, urgently to someone with huge funds to invest in the team for a new progressive manager to be able to have genuine resources to be successful. New owners would also have to rid the club of Levy and there's no guarantee of that. From deal point of value he adds financial value - Rugby League, Union, NFL, music, boxing had all signed up to the Stadium and thus significant extra revenue streams, but Levy has to go for the sake of Tottenham Hotspur FC. If he is a fan as he says he is, he will know what everyone is thinking. This is Alan Sugar mark 2......If he doesn't hopefully enormous protests at the end of the season will tell him.

We're not dead - that would be a big exaggeration, but something drastic needs to happen very quickly because we are seriously ill.

Not sure whatever else thinks or what the solution is, but I'm depressed and it's not Covid, I wouldn't really want to go and watch us atm even if I could, and Ive never said that, ever.


Founding Member
Agree, change is necessary because we've stopped stagnating as a club and we're now going backwards.

Levy holds the ultimate decision making seat at the club. Everything goes through him, every important move we make has to be sanctioned by him and imo he seems to be isolated or probably a better way to describe it is insulated from what actually goes on in the real world and the consequences of his decisions.

I think we need a new, young, modern owner who is able to operate in the modern world of business and refresh our club...

Look, what Levy has done to the clubs infrastructure and facilities is great... unsurpassed maybe... but its been at the expense of the brand which he had not a clue he was damaging. Hence my description of insulated because he somehow doesn't know or care about what the impact is to the footballing side of the business.

I can't see past us loosing Kane, Son, Lloris, Hoijberg and anyone else worth half a wank this summer and the rest of the shit being joined by other bang average mediocre 3rd or 4th tier players to continue our trajectory down to mid table mediocrity.

We've spunked our golden age of players... we've blown our opportunity to join the big teams and claim a Premier League title...

But hey Lady Gaga and The NFL steam rockets will bring in new revenue streams when Covid subsides so the football isn't that important anymore...

And that's the fucking crux of it. We're no longer a football club we're a shiny entertainment venue where faceless punters can come and buy craft beer and gourmet hotdogs and and raft of other merchandise that'll keep the owners pockets full of benjies...!

I can't see us getting our club back its gone too far, this corporation has taken over and will continue to liberate anyone it can from their money.

The only way we get THFC back is by selling out and seeing philanthropic levels of investment chucked at the footballing side of the business. And then will we really have Spurs back... or will we just be another contender in the whose dick is biggest competition between the Arabs, Chinese and the Yanks...?

It might be time for me to hang up my hat and scarf.
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Lord High Chief of the Privvy
Founding Member
The frustrating thing for me is that because Levy delivered the shopping cen..I mean stadium, he's basically made himself untouchable at the club now. The whole Mourinho debacle would have cost anyone else their job but not Levy.

And since Lewis isn't remotely interested in the club as it stands, unless someone offers him a few billion, then I can't see how things can really change even though they desperately need to.
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Style And Glory

Style And Glory

On My High Trojan Horse
Founding Member
@Don Diaz rest your weary head Pal. It's been a lot to take in these past 2 years & I'm not even including the Pandemic.

Sit back, relax. Close your eyes & just breathe.

"Picture yourself, in a boat on a river
With tangerine trees & marmalade skies..."


Well-Known Member
"Picture yourself, in a boat on a river
With tangerine trees & marmalade skies..."
Until very recently I thought one of the lines in the next stanza went

"Newspaper taxis, a beer on the shore, coming to take you away"

Hearing what I wish for, I'm told.
Style And Glory

Style And Glory

On My High Trojan Horse
Founding Member
Agree, change is necessary because we've stopped stagnating as a club and we're now going backwards.

Levy holds the ultimate decision making seat at the club. Everything goes through him, every important move we make has to be sanctioned by him and imo he seems to be isolated or probably a better way to describe it is insulated from what actually goes on in the real world and the consequences of his decisions.

I think we need a new, young, modern owner who is able to operate in the modern world of business and refresh our club...

Look, what Levy has done to the clubs infrastructure and facilities is great... unsurpassed maybe... but its been at the expense of the brand which he had not a clue he was damaging. Hence my description of insulated because he somehow doesn't know or care about what the impact is to the footballing side of the business.

I can't see past us loosing Kane, Son, Lloris, Hoijberg and anyone else worth half a wank this summer and the rest of the shit being joined by other bang average mediocre 3rd or 4th tier players to continue our trajectory down to mid table mediocrity.

We've spunked our golden age of players... we've blown our opportunity to join the big teams and claim a Premier League title...

But hey Lady Gaga and The NFL stem rockets will bring in new revenue streams when Covid subsides so the football isn't that important anymore...

And that's the fucking crux of it. We're no longer a football club we're a shiny entertainment venue where faceless punters can come and buy craft beer and gourmet hotdogs and and raft of other merchandise that'll keep the owners pockets full of benjies...!

I can't see us getting our club back its gone too far, this corporation has taken over and will continue to liberate anyone it can from their money.

The only way we get THFC back is by selling out and seeing philanthropic levels of investment chucked at the footballing side of the business. And then will we really have Spurs back... or will we just be another contender in the whose dick is biggest competition between the Arabs, Chinese and the Yanks...?

It might be time for me to hang up my hat and scarf.
@Yid you always speak your truth & I agree with what's above.

THFC has simply become a minor security in ENIC's basket full of assets. The Pockets of Levy only work one way: in. We'll never see the spending that's necessary to see us to the top under him. That's why I'm so puzzled by Levy's strategy or lack thereof. He could easily hire one of these top DoF like Rangnick or Campos who have a stellar track record of finding young gems on the cheap; provide them with a budget & let them wield their magic.

As for:
"...or will we just be another contender in the whose dick is biggest competition between the Arabs, Chinese and the Yanks...?"
I think we will always fall just a bit short, maybe by a foreskin. ;)
  • Haha
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Founding Member
Subscription increases...

LONDON (Reuters) -Britain’s BT Group said on Thursday it was in talks to sell a stake in its sports business BT Sport, confirming a media report that companies such as Amazon, Walt Disney Co and sport streaming group DAZN had shown interest.
Motspur Hotspur

Motspur Hotspur

Well-Known Member
Pre-empting a ESL and eventual decline in TV revenues from footy?


Well-Known Member
Until very recently I thought one of the lines in the next stanza went

"Newspaper taxis, a beer on the shore, coming to take you away"

Hearing what I wish for, I'm told.

When i was kid I always thought it was
"a girl with colitis goes by"

Never questioned it our thought how they would even know.
Style And Glory

Style And Glory

On My High Trojan Horse
Founding Member
Do we have a new sponsor? Different ad on our shirts or is it just temporary?


Founding Member
Probably a way of making more money for Levy....

Think it's a nod to the benevolent arm of some huge AIA subsidiary.


The Voice Of Reason
Founding Member
Probably a way of making more money for Levy....

Think it's a nod to the benevolent arm of some huge AIA subsidiary.
It was a charity thing:

Don Diaz

Don Diaz

Zero tolerance of Numpty's
Founding Member
In my immediate future I’m writing an email to Levy. I’m going to make it grown up and appear to argue both sides of the financial argument and try to elicit a response to ‘why you should sell and leave now’ I’ll keep you posted.....
Don Diaz

Don Diaz

Zero tolerance of Numpty's
Founding Member
Further in the future on the 19th May I’m going to go to the Aston Villa home game with a sign saying what I really think.


The Voice Of Reason
Founding Member
Further in the future on the 19th May I’m going to go to the Aston Villa home game with a sign saying what I really think.
Style And Glory

Style And Glory

On My High Trojan Horse
Founding Member
Well done Donnie. You look good!
Nice protest.


The Voice Of Reason
Founding Member
I'm rediscovering the he wisdom of Father Ted, loads of stuff applies to us at the moment, especially as we're all hoping the new coach will do the business:

Ted: “I think it might work, Dougal. I know it’ll work. It will work.”
Dougal: “It won’t work, will it Ted?”
Ted: “It won’t, no.”


Having the craic!
Founding Member
Father Ted and Only fools & Horses....I'd quite happily do a weekend marathon binge on them...absolute comedy genius.


Having the craic!
Founding Member
"These ones are small, but the ones out there are far away".......


Well-Known Member
I’m optimistic, I think we have a decent chance of mid table next season. Back to the Spurs I’ve known and for some unknown reason loved for all these years.
Don Diaz

Don Diaz

Zero tolerance of Numpty's
Founding Member
I’m optimistic, I think we have a decent chance of mid table next season. Back to the Spurs I’ve known and for some unknown reason loved for all these years.
:oops: how is that 'optimistic'? If we have any chance of keeping any of our decent players we need to make a statement. appointing an Italian manager or Graham Potter isn't a statement for me.


The Voice Of Reason
Founding Member
:oops: how is that 'optimistic'? If we have any chance of keeping any of our decent players we need to make a statement. appointing an Italian manager or Graham Potter isn't a statement for me.
It's more optimistic than thinking we'll drop into the Championship. We were pretty much a mid-table side until the mighty Harry R ( or Big Martin J ),started our rise to top 6'ish. Maybe the luck has worn off and we will slip back down to sub-Goon level, of course in your other post you rightly say that unless some Sheikh with blood dripping from his hands buys the THFC corporation we will stay where we are or slip lower, personally I'd rather we were playing in League One with players who gave a fuck not players who cost a fortune. Football has been fucked by greed, I don't think I am that fucked about it anymore. Of course I will always be a Spurs supporter but more like the majority of United supporters who just like the team, I am not going to let it bother me one way or the other, buying a City like squad will push me further away.


Having the craic!
Founding Member
I don't mind if we go backwards to go forwards. At the moment, this squad is like closing the stable door after the horse has legged it. It's done.
We need a new gaffer, about 5/6 to go and the same to come in plus 2 or 3 from the academy. A complete reboot. Then build it back up. What other choice is there really ? We have a very average squad, with the exception of maybe 3 players....that's the reality imo.
Style And Glory

Style And Glory

On My High Trojan Horse
Founding Member
It's more optimistic than thinking we'll drop into the Championship. We were pretty much a mid-table side until the mighty Harry R ( or Big Martin J ),started our rise to top 6'ish. Maybe the luck has worn off and we will slip back down to sub-Goon level, of course in your other post you rightly say that unless some Sheikh with blood dripping from his hands buys the THFC corporation we will stay where we are or slip lower, personally I'd rather we were playing in League One with players who gave a fuck not players who cost a fortune. Football has been fucked by greed, I don't think I am that fucked about it anymore. Of course I will always be a Spurs supporter but more like the majority of United supporters who just like the team, I am not going to let it bother me one way or the other, buying a City like squad will push me further away.
Though the Poch years provided some thrilling football & pride back into the side, the last calendar year of his tenure was terrible. Yes we managed to make it to the CL Final but in terms of our league form, we were at relegation levels. Poch seemed burnt out & the players weren't responding. Something had to change otherwise we would have been in the Championship. I believe it all stemmed from Levy not refreshing the side with players Poch wanted/needed (the painful rebuild). But which players did Poch want? So say they were elite status & unaffordable. Furthermore, many of Poch's comments, particularly those before the CL Final, didn't help. The players probably became even more disillusioned. Hence the change. I feel both Poch & the club needed it for their own good.
Don Diaz

Don Diaz

Zero tolerance of Numpty's
Founding Member
Though the Poch years provided some thrilling football & pride back into the side, the last calendar year of his tenure was terrible. Yes we managed to make it to the CL Final but in terms of our league form, we were at relegation levels. Poch seemed burnt out & the players weren't responding. Something had to change otherwise we would have been in the Championship. I believe it all stemmed from Levy not refreshing the side with players Poch wanted/needed (the painful rebuild). But which players did Poch want? So say they were elite status & unaffordable. Furthermore, many of Poch's comments, particularly those before the CL Final, didn't help. The players probably became even more disillusioned. Hence the change. I feel both Poch & the club needed it for their own good.
You might be right, but if I was Poch and I'd over delivered for my boss 4+ years running and my boss basically said 'sod off' I'd be fucking pissed off and that would have transmitted to the players. The buck stops with Levy, every time....
Motspur Hotspur

Motspur Hotspur

Well-Known Member
Further in the future on the 19th May I’m going to go to the Aston Villa home game with a sign saying what I really think.
That's going to be either an enormous sign or very, very short.

Ooo- just do an Ian Brown style 'Amateurs'! One word, encapsulates everything!
Style And Glory

Style And Glory

On My High Trojan Horse
Founding Member
You might be right, but if I was Poch and I'd over delivered for my boss 4+ years running and my boss basically said 'sod off' I'd be fucking pissed off and that would have transmitted to the players. The buck stops with Levy, every time....
Agreed about Poch & I loved him. I was extremely proud of the club while he was here & we were competing at the top organically. Not with massive amounts of money. He definitely overachieved with what he had despite what he was provided with. He also improved "most" of the players but some of the fodder Levy brought in was criminal. At the very least, Levy needs to step back from the footballing aspect of his "basket of assets".