That nice Welsh bloke - what was his name? ... and the Dutch cap bloke, he was a laugh. For some reason those chaps didn't like me, I could not understand it because as everybody knows I am kind, empathetic, calm reasonable and very fair - unless, of course I am talking to or about total wankers, then I am a total cunt. The discckipple thing was really funny, the daft cunts accusing me of leading everybody out of the land of bile and venom into the promised land of ProperSpursy when I didn't even know where you cunts had all gone until I hunted you down!
I remember the silly fuckiwits complaining that it wasn't fair that I was allowed to put all of them on my ignore list and whineging about us grownups violating their 'right to their opinion', it was ironic because they thought they had a right to say what they wanted but we shouldn't have the right to respond and say they were tossers!
I miss some of them, they were funny. Some were not. The JD, Bobby S and Harry haters, the tin pot cup moaners, Levy lovers were good value, you could have a right old barney with them. The statistics genius was really funny, remember when he wanted to know what level of education everybody had so he could show how superior he was when he was proving he knew fuck all about the relationship between statistical models and the real world? What a cunt. I wonder how much money he lost applying his bookmakers's odds and Xg theory.
What a nice trip down Memory Lane.