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Where do you stand?



The Voice Of Reason
Founding Member
In the coming revolution everybody will need to be quite clear where they stand. When the streets run red with blood, who will you be behind? There will be no more sitting on the fence or saying bollocks like there is good on both sides. Nonsense gibberish about the 'very fine' people amongst the disgusting dregs of humanity will no longer get you a free pass. Choose!

I am of course referring to the Great British Bake Off. This obscene travesty can not be tolerated. Mel and Sue are victims of corporate greed. Mary Berry - may she live forever, is the spiritual leader of over 600 million UK citizens and has been cast out. This is close to blasphemy and the Queen should do something useful for a change instead of just having the back of her head licked on postage stamps and order the government to act. The Bake Off MUST be returned to it's holy birthplace, the BBC. Paul fucking-traitor-bastard Hollywood should be deported to some third world backwater like Trumpland, his passport burnt and his assets seized.

It may be too late, the divisions are too deep, I will never change my mind, back down, forgive and forget, never have, never will.


Well-Known Member
Founding Member
Time to move on,stale old format,time for the great british fry off,now that I would watch,Ray Winstone and Denise Van outen to present,whats that baked beans on your breakfast A,,,careful some people will have a right old vexing attack,no brussels in yer bubble...oh it would be an epic wind up,dividing the nation,ofc no black pudding mentioned it would have to be called meat pudding or something cos PC couldnt possibly allow that word and negative conotations of cannibals eating people.Fuck the bake off,long live the fry off.


Founding Member
The way I see it is, it's gonna be great.... regardless if it is shit or not...!!!

If it's still got the same charm the "real bake off" had and the two middle class comedians they have brought into replace Mel & Sue actually work and make it funny, you may be able to excuse the smarmy fat fuck Hollywood and that other no mark sour faced food critic as well as the unprecedented 17 minutes of advert breaks in a one hour show.

If not it will be fun to watch them spunk sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much money week after week in pursuit of somthing they know they will never ever have.

Eventually if shite they will have to do something to "whip up" (pun intended) some controversy so I'd imagine the winner will probably be contractually obliged to fight Connor McGregor at some point in the show. I need to check my contract at work to see if iv gotta get in shape for a bout as it seems every cunt is lining up to fight him.....!!!!!

Either way I'm looking forward to watching it as it's become a bit of a household tradition to buy some goodies of the same variety they are making and scoff them while watching with the kids. Nice family time... and we all get a bit closer to type 2 diabetes and really get our money's worth out of the NHS before its privatised.


The Voice Of Reason
Founding Member
A divided nation. These wounds will never heal, those of us who see past the lies told to us by the evil facists who control our lives will never accept the damage done to not just our country but the planet. TOBO (The Original Bake Off) was watched throughout the world, audiences exceeding 11 billion for every episode, the highest audiences ever recorded for a cake related show.

Berryistas will take to the streets in protest at 8.12pm on FBO (Fake Bake Off) nights, they will stand outside their front door and shake their heads and 'tsk' rather loudly while refusing to watch the corporate brainwashing that makes them think spending their hard earned on a bottle of smelly stuff will turn them from ugly, normal people into glamorous film stars. The kettle will not be put on during the commercials and slices of Mr Kipling will remain uneaten, this will damage the economy so much that the facist government will fall. Her Excellency President Mary will announce the deportation of the woman on the stamps and her family, politicians will be jailed and their huge fortunes handed out to poor people along with a slice of Mary's rather wonderful marzipan cake. Nearly everybody will eat cake, there will be cake for me, possibly cake for you, but no cake for the flag-wavers, facists and the BBC executives responsible for allowing TOBO to be defiled, no, they will get no cake. Those of us on the side of right (not right politically of course, those evil, twisted, nazis will get no cake at all, not even a biscuit),we shall have our cake and eat it, and it will be the best cake the world has ever eaten, the best cake.