The Voice Of Reason
Founding Member
As usual I was up early this morning, us country folk always get up an hour before we go to bed - so, I watched a bit of the winter Olympics on the telly. Ice hockey must be for geezers who have better vision than me, that is most of the world, I teeter on the brink of having my driving licence snatched from my hands every year when they test my mincers. All I see is a load of folks whizzing around smashing fuck out of each other, apparently there is a puck there somewhere, I can't see the fucker but that doesn't spoil my enjoyment of the game.
Those Olympian chaps and chapesses are mental as fuck. Snow boarding, ice hockey, ski jumping, what the actual fuck? The danger level in those sports is unreal. But the one I like the most, and probably the most dangerous of all is curling! Imagine if one of them stones hit you on the toe, fuck, just the thought makes your eyes water. It is so nice that they invented a sport for folks with OCD, they can combine their love of sliding heavy things along the ice with a nice bit of cleaning. I can't wait to see Skeleton Bob later, I hear he's a bit good.
Those Olympian chaps and chapesses are mental as fuck. Snow boarding, ice hockey, ski jumping, what the actual fuck? The danger level in those sports is unreal. But the one I like the most, and probably the most dangerous of all is curling! Imagine if one of them stones hit you on the toe, fuck, just the thought makes your eyes water. It is so nice that they invented a sport for folks with OCD, they can combine their love of sliding heavy things along the ice with a nice bit of cleaning. I can't wait to see Skeleton Bob later, I hear he's a bit good.