Let me make my point. In my opinion this is a forum where we frankly exchange views. You would have noticed the warning at the bottom when you joined. An exchange of views includes views that other posters are talking bollocks and are cunts. You want to cancel me for my views on you, that is typical for a Lineker hater, you have all the rights to post what you want but nobody can call you out. I have never pretended to have an intellect of any description, this is a fucking football forum, intellect has fuck all to do with anything.
Follow you around? Yeah, that ain't happening, but I will respond when you post something that in my opinion ( we all have rights to opinions eh?) is bollocks, and I will call you all sorts of terrible words - have a look back through the forum and check out how we talk to each other. I know you and a couple of others want to come in here and change everything to suit you, you may succeed, but then this will just be another waste of space like all the other Spurs forums.